Title LDAP Directory: Deleting Export Logs Purpose With this report you can delete data records from the tablesTLDA_LOG> (HR LDAP: Non-Exportable Data Records) and TLDA_MSG > (HR LDAP: Error Messages for Data in Table TLDA_LOG). The two tables contain the data records for which the system could notsuccessfully perform the data export from an HR system to the LDAPdirectory. The tables therefore serve as a transport log in which youcan see whether the data export was successful or contained errors. You can either remove specific entries from the tables, or delete thecontent of both tables completely.Features Selection If you want to delete specific data records from the tables, you canuse the following fields, found under Deleting According toSelection Options>:
- Logical System>
- Personnel Number>
- LDAP Server>
- Attribute Group>
- Attribute Name>
When you run the report, the system selects the data records accordingto your entries, and deletes the corresponding entries from the twotables. If you want to delete the table contents completely, set the CleanUp Tables> flag under Completely Delete Table Contents>. Inthat case, the system ignores any selection options that you chose inthe fields mentioned above. When you run the report, the system deletes all data records from thetwo tables.Activities We recommend the following activities: After a data export, look at the transport log. If the transport log indicates that the data export contained errors,use this report either to delete the specific data records from thetables, or to delete the entire table contents. Transport the data again. Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the data export is successful. Further notes Note that if you perform a second data transport without looking at thetransport log for the first transport, you cannot tell whethertransports that contained errors the first time were transportedsuccessfully the second time. For that reason we recommend theactivities described above.