Court Orders Report for Great Britain (RPLCORG0) Purpose Report RPLCORG0 provides you with a summary of the court ordersprocessed in a given time frame, based on either: Consolidated results Individual periods Note>>: The court order report does not list the court orders that have a courtorder type Collection of Student Loan (CSL)>.Integration Once you delimit the court order through this report, the infotypeCourt Orders GB> (0070) is automatically updated at the end dateof the last payroll run.Prerequisites The payroll results and the court orders must be available for theselected time frame. Features Selection Based on the criteria selected, this report summarises the court orderdata for the given time frame. Output
- Upon executing Report RPLCORG0, your SAP system displays general
statistics on the types of entries processed (for example, employeesselected for processing).
- To see a log of the court order data processed, choose Court Order
List >. Note: If you run the Individual period report>, the list wouldshow every court order individually for each period. However, if you runthe Consolidated report>, the list summarises each court order forthe selected time frame.
- To produce an individual employee list of those infotype Court
Orders GB> (0070) records that need to be delimited (as the courtorder has been paid in full), choose Delimit Court Order>. Note: This is only available if you run the Consolidated report>.The status of the updates on the listed court orders (for the infotypes)can be viewed by selecting Batch Input Session Overview>.
- On executing the report with the option Consolidated report>, you
will see the following indicators for each court order (which indicatesthe status of delimitation): Red square - court order cannot be delimited Green circle- court order should be delimited Gray diamond - court order is already delimited The report allows you to delimit only those court orders which are paidoff by the control record's end date. This end date is taken from thepayroll area of last payroll run. Note: These delimiting indicators are not available for theIndividual period report>. RESET N1Activities Enter all the relevant section criteria. In the Period> section, if you enter a date range in the Otherperiod> fields, your SAP system reports on all the court ordersassociated with the payroll period and not on the specific day entered. For example, if you enter the dates 28.04.2006 - 31.05.2006 and theemployee uses monthly payroll, you will receive a list of all the courtorders that were processed in the months of April and May (and not justApril 28 to May 31). In the Select options >section, you determine whether or not youwould like to run the Consolidated report >or the Individualperiod report.> Consolidated report >- displays a summary of each court orderdeduction type processed in the selected time frame. Individual period report> - lists each court order deductionindividually for all the payroll periods in the selected time frame. The advantages of running the Consolidated report >as opposed tothe Individual period report >are: Considerably faster processing time. The ability to delimit court orders that have been paid off [therebyautomatically delimiting the infotype Court Orders GB> (0070)record]. The ability to automatically update Court Orders GB> (0070)records. To perform this action, select the indicator in the Auto update>field in the Select options >section. Note: After the infotype Court Orders GB> (0070) records areautomatically updated, the entries in the report log will still showsthe status green court order should be delimited >(indicatingwhich entries were updated in the run). > Once you have entered your selection criteria, choose Execute>.