Description The list displays the salary structure. TIME-BASED DELIMITATIONS: The list can be called up for a specific key date. It displays: -pay scale group and level -minimum annual salary -average annual salary -maximum annual salary -average differential -range for each country grouping, pay scale type, pay scale area and standard agreement provision. Select-Option: LANDGRUP TARIFART TARIFGEB TARIFREG TARIFGRP TARIFSTF Definition: Country grouping, pay scale type, pay scale area, standard agreement provision, pay scale group and pay scale level. Parameter: VALIDDAT Definition: You can make additional delimitations by using the date specified. Formulas: Average annual salary = maximum + minimum / 2 Range = (maximum / minimum) - 1.0 * 100 Differential = average annual salary n - average annual salary n+1 / average annual salary n+1 * 100. |