Description This report is used to create the wage and employment statistics fordispatch to the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) (StatisticsNetherlands)>. To do so, you will first have to create a dataset and select therequired data medium on the ZK>Output> tab page. The data is writtento a TemSe file in the foreground or in the background. To display the data, you must run report Displaying HR TemSe files(Netherlands)> (RPUTSVN1>). To save the data to the required data medium, you must run reportDownloading HR TemSe Files (Netherlands)> ( RPUTSVN0>). A periodical statement should be sent to the CBS for all activeemployees. The statements can cover either monthly, 4-weekly orquarterly periods. The report can only be executed directly after a payroll run. If yourcompany has a 4-weekly or monthly payroll run, this report must also beprocessed and dispatched on a 4-weekly or monthly basis. The data must have a certain structure, which is: RECORD 1 (Header Record, Sender Data) RECORD 3 (Record for Withholding Agent) RECORD M, P or K (Employee Record) RECORD 7 (Last Record for Withholding Agent) RECORD 9 (Final Record) Records M, P or K are dependent on the dispatch frequency. Several sets of employee data records may be written for eachwithholding agent. -> pattern 1 3 M M M 7 9 Each header record may contain the data of more than one withholdingagent. -> pattern 1 3 M 7 3 M 7 9 Each dispatch may contain the personal and other data of more than onewithholding agent. -> pattern 1 3 M M 7 3 M M 7 9 If the medium chosen is a magnetic tape or cartridge the data is writtenas a dataset. If the chosen medium is a diskette the data is downloadedto this medium.Selection If required you can specify a cross-platform file name for the CBSrecord. A physical path and a physical path name must be defined for alogical path name "HR_NL_CBS" (see alsoMaintaining Logical File Names> in the IMG). The variant SAP&MODEL_COMP can be used as a tool in determining thecontents of the headings in the report. The exact contents of certainheadings is dependent on the set-up of the payroll run. The set-updetermines the wage types for these headings. This must be indicated onthe selection screen.
- Note: The wage types selected must exist in the RT cluster.>
If you have any questions about the meaning and the selection of wagetypes, you can contact the helpdesk of the CBS in Voorburg.
- NB: Remarks on "Wage Types">
"Contractual Wage": Contractual wage = Agreed gross wage (basic pay) per payroll period. Forcivil servants this is the "salarisreeksbedrag". For employees with anincomplete work schedule you should use the FULL-TIME gross wage. (seealso the 2001 CBS brochure on "file format and record description CBSsurvey payroll administration") In other words, only select those wage types that represent the fullgross wage, but no consistency check is carried out. Exception: "BasicPay" wage types with split feature (AP), for example SAP standard wagetype M100 (Wage), are cumulated and corrected if work schedules areincomplete. This concerns the following headings with proposed wage types, as usedin the variant SAP&MODEL_COMP: Number of Days in Payroll Period /374 Contractual Wage M100 Paid Gross Wage /101 Overtime Wage MM10, MM11, MM20, MM21, MM30, MM31 Gross Wage for Social Insurance /306 + /307 One-Off Bonus Payments M600, M605, M610, M620 Premium Exemption /3VA up to and incl. /3YM Employee Savings Amount /5S2, /5SB, /5SD, /5SJ Sick Pay /393 Sick Days /371 Number of Hours Overtime MM10, MM11, MM20, MM21, MM30, MM31
- The headings Shift Type and Working Hours are dependent on the work
schedule. To make a selection it is necessary to first know whichschedules result in which values for the chosen headings. On theselection screen two frames must be filled with a schedule. Oneproposal: Full-Time Employment VAST/38 + VAST/40 Part-Time Employment Fxd Weekly Working Hours HALF 5D Part-Time Employment No Fxd Weekly Working Hrs .... Regular Shift VAST/38 + VAST/40 Irregular Shift VARIABEL Shift Work 3PLG-1 + 3PLG-2 + 3PLG-3 Leave Days/Hours Leave type '01' and '17' ADV [Red. of Working Time] Leave Days/Hours Leave type '50'Precondition If this report is used for dispatching data to the CBS, please note thefollowing: The report will carry out several checks with reference to thecustomized relations with external agencies. You must, however, have atleast one representing legal person with a CBS relationship, one with anexecutive authority relationship and one with a tax authorityrelationship. This may be the same legal person for all three. Features NLR01 (Executive Authorities), NLR02 (Tax Authority) and NLR04(CBS) must have the correct settings and must be active for the employeegroup concerned. When selecting wage types for overtime pay you must enter the same wagetypes as those entered in infotypes "One-Off Bonus Payments" and"Production hours" for overtime. You must also enter the wage types forgross bonus. If your employees receive full pay during sickness you must not fill thefields Sick Pay and Sick Days. The following hierarchy applies to the field Postal Code Location: 1. Infotype 0408 (CBS NL) field Postal Code Location 2. Infotype 1028 (Addresses) for the position held by the employeeaccording to infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment). The position islinked to a building (country code NL) and a postal code can beretrieved from table T777A. 3. The postal code for the personnel area to which the employee belongsaccording to infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment). This personnelarea is used to retrieve the correct postal code from table T500P. The following hierarchy applies to the determination of category: 1. Infotype 0408 (CBS NL) field Category. 2. Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements) field Contract Type. Make surethat the default values for data element P05_CATGO are also included intable T547V. Feature NCBS1 "Relevant Leave Types for the CAO Indicator (CBS NL)" > must be modified in accordance with the leave types used for LeaveDays/Hours and "ADV" (Red. of Working Time) Days/Hours.