Title SAP-HR Belgian Public Sector : Cadre Purpose This report enables you to create the cadre on basis of data extractedfrom Personnel Development and Personnel Administration. Selection Parameters
- Key date : the cadre can be constituted on a specific date.
- Selection criteria : This makes it possible to make a specific
selection for the cadre. Partial views of the cadre can be generated inthis way.
- Display criteria : By using this push-button, you can change the
hierarchy-tree of the cadre. The selection you make here, will formthat hierarchy-tree. Default this selection will be: Employee Group,Employee subgroup, Level, Grade and Position. Additionally you can addthe Personnel Area and Subarea for a given position in the cadre.Furthermore you can change the order of the selected fields by sortingthe fields with the arrows which point up or down. Deselecting orselecting fields can be done with the other arrows.
- Additional data : Here you can choose whether you want to see the
vacancies and/or the obsolete positions in the cadre.
- Reporting : There is the possibility to execute any pnp-report. This
report will be executed after double-clicking a node in the output.This report will run for all the persons which are situated under thechoosen node and above the following node of the same level. In the PAreporting you fill in the name of the report you want to start. In thereport variant you can select a report variant. If you flag theextended personnel selection, the report will be executed via theselection screen of the report choosen. To finish, sorting is possibleby flagging the last checkbox.Functionalities
- After double-clicking a personnel number, you can maintain the HR
master data for that specific person.
- After double-clicking a position, you'll see the organizational
assignment for that position.
- Execution of the HR report for a certain selection after
double-clicking a node. (as explained above)Output As ouput you get an ALV-tree. More specific: a hierarchy-tree on theleft with the fields choosen under display criteria and on the rightside a set of fields (Position, Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea,Employee Group, Employee Subgroup, Level, Personnel number, Completename of employee, Contractual percentage, Full time equivalents,Obsolete positions and Vacancies) Further you'll see some summations in the ALV : for all the employeesper grade so that you can quickly see if there are any part-timeoccupations. For all the Contactual percentages and for all the FTE'sso that you can compare the occupation of a grade with the FTE'sgranted by the higher authority.