Purpose You use this report to create a list of the BVG-liable AHV wages of youremployees for the uniform wage notification procedure (ELM), taking theinsurance category (BVG code) into consideration. Based on the wagelisted here, the pension fund determines the BVG-insured wage, takingthe coordination deduction and the maximum wage into consideration. When you create a wage notification with the domain BVG, the determineddata appears in the XML section .Integration This program evaluates the payroll results for the selected employees bycumulating the selected wage types. In the view Assignment of Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types(Customer Table) (V_T596J)>, you specify which wage types of thecumulation wage type LOHN> are to be cumulated for the BVG-liableAHV wage using the subapplication BVG>.Prerequisites Features Selection You can choose the following selection parameters: