Title Contribution summary sheet Purpose This document summarizes the sum of the employee and employercontributions paid to the URSSAF, to public utilities, etc., by acompany. This program indicates the number of employees that have receiveddeclared salaries and the number of employees registered as staff on thefinal day of the period (excluding apprentices whose contibutions aremanaged by the state). Prerequisites This program uses the setting tables for personnel types (views V_T5F4N,V_T5F4Q, V_T5F4S and V_T5F4T). Features The breakdown of contributions due is issued in table form. Using the button Form> situated at the top of the screen, you canaccess a preparatory report including the structure of the summaryprovided by URSSAF. This table provides a distribution by - personnel type (as defined by URSSAF) - work accident rate - assessment basis category The table includeds the following columns: Column "Personnel type"> This column is used to determine the category of insured person that thedeclared amounts refer to. Present are the general plan, specificcontributions such as the CSG or the RDS, the transport tax, thecontracts corresponding to the measures for Usage (CRE, CES, etc.) Column "Number"> The number of employees are indicated that have received declaredsalaries. On the legal form, this field is only filled in for contractsthat give rise to exonerations; Column "Assessment basis"> Two categories of contributions can be distinguished:
- categories calculated on the basis of the gross salary (T),
- categories calculated on the basis of the Social Insurance ceiling (P).
Column "Salaries"> This column corresponds, by category of insured person and by assessmentbasis, to the sum of salaries paid rounded off. Column "Rate"> This column corresponds to the cumulation of the URSSAF contributionrates (excluding the WA rate) assigned to the type of personnelconsidered. Column "WA rate"> (work accident rate) Column "Contributions"> This column corresponds to the sum of WA contributions paid (percategory of insured person) rounded off. Column "Sum contrib."> This column corresponds to the previous column not rounded off. Column "Difference"> This column corresponds to the difference between the two final columns. Column "Emp. exonerated"> This column indicates the numbered of employees exonerated (selectionscreen, field "Specif. contracts. personnel type">).Activities In the program entry screen,
- select a payroll period and a level of personnel numbers
- in the frame reserved for "Supplementary data">, enter
- the personnel types corresponding to the employment measures - the contracts excluded from the staff calculation - the corresponding agency code.