Title Bank Details Purpose This report allows you to display the bank details of your employees. Features This report allows you to display bank details that are stored in thefollowing infotypes and subtypes:
- Bank Details>> (0009)
- Capital Formation>> (0010)
- External Transfers>> (0011)
Selection In the Period> field, enter a period for which the report isto be run. To select a period, set an indicator in one of the followingfields:
- Today>
- Current month>
- Current year>
- Until today>
- From today>
- Other period>
In the Selection> box, enter the employees to be taken intoconsideration in the report. To restrict the report to specificemployees, enter personnel numbers, or choose to restrict the selectionof employees to those with a specific employment status. The Other specifications> field allows to further restrictselection for each report. You can use the following fields for this:
- Infotype>
- Subtype>
- Bank Country>
- Bank Key>
Standard_variants Certain fields may already have default values in the selection screenof the report. The system proposes the following selections:
- Using Other period> indicator for a report for a validity
period specified by yourself
- Employment status> field for a report including all employees
with employment status 1> (inactive), 2> (pensioner) or3> active employee.Output A list is created, reflecting your prerequisites for selection. Thelist is sorted by employee. If you want to use more than one infotypefor selection, the system creates a list of bank details data, brokendown into infotypes and subtypes. The list displays the following datafor each bank detail:
- Address of employee
- Payee data
- Bank data