Description This report determines the basis for the employment statistics (BESTA)that are created quarterly for the Federal Office on Statistics. (BFS) The report shows the number of employed per payroll unit BFS for apredetermined key date (usually the last day of the quarter). If you need data from the previous quarter, change the key date proposedby the system. The number of cross-border employees and the number of employees with acapacity utilization level above 90%, between 50% and 89% and less than50% are divided according to gender. Only persons with a weekly working time of at least six hours are takeninto account. A person is usually counted as a cross-border employee, if a recordexists for the key date in the Status of Residence Permit CH>infotype (0048) with status of residence permit G> (cross-borderemployee). Alternatively, you can use the HRPAYCHBGAC0B > BusinessAdd-In to implement a customer criteria for cross-border employees. A person is counted as an apprentice if in the EmployeeGroup/Subgroup: Total View'> view, the Education Status> (AUSTA)field with the combination of Employee Group> and EmployeeSubgroup> from the Organizational Assignment> (0001) infotypefor the person is indicated as "Trainee/Apprentice" (1). The weekly working time is determined from the Planned Working Time> infotype (0007). By default, the capacity utilization level is determined from thePlanned Working Time > infotype (0007). Alternatively, customerscan use the HRPAYCHBGAC0 > Business Add-In to determine thecapacity utilization level. |