Description Printing of legal forms for Norwegian annual tax statements Precondition This report is a follow-up of 'Norwegian annual tax statementpreparation' report RPCATPV0. It uses the provided temporary sequential(TemSe) file to print out the according forms of the tax statements. You may start this program using an appropriate TemSe file for eitherone employer/company, or one or several personnel numbers. By defaultonly the actual TemSe file will be accepted for processing. To accessother TemSe files the 'Testmode all TemSe selectable' checkbox has tobe flagged. The report gives a choice of forms that can be produced. Remark: To print form RF-1023 you also have to fill out the number forpostal appointment. (Postens avtalenr.) The printout can be sorted on the following criteria:
- Employee number
- Employee postal code
- Employee last name
Note: When sorting is done on Employee postal code, employees withforeign adresses wil be placed first sorted on Employee number. There also is an option to either read foreign adresses as they are inthe TemSe file, or to read these adresses directly from the Masterdata.Output According to the form you have chosen, an according SAPscript formoutput is created.