Title Salary statement for the payment of sick, maternity and paternity leave Purpose The program Salary statement for the payment of sick, maternity,paternity leave >(RPLASMF3)> issues the statement in accordance withthe Cerfa printout 11135*02. This program is based on data entered intoinfotype Non-producti ve time data (0424)>>, subtype ILL >>>(illness) or MAT>>> (maternity) and the payroll results prior tothe start date of the employee's non-productive time. Besides the paper version (Cerfa form), this program supports thecreation, generation and sending of the XML file by electronic datainterchange to the official social declarations site(www.net-entreprises.fr).Prerequisites The address of the employer must be set in the activityAddresses of the employer>. This program reads table AB of the payroll cluster to establish theabsences that have occurred in the reference periods. The field Situation at the stop date >is partly supplied bythe table Classification of the actions and reasons (T5F30) >>; thus, >>in the event of dismissal or resignation, theprogram automatically reports this information on the form issued. To calculate the SPSI, the following must be known: the monthly grosspart for the three payment dates that precede with the limits of theamount of the monthly upper limit of the Social insurance, thenon-monthly bonuses reset to a monthly value, the illness contributions,the CSG/CRDS contributions paid by the employee, the occupational feesand the restored gross part. To fill in the columns of the statement,this program is based on the setting of the SPSI accrual for theactivity Determine payroll wage types > :
RB >Salary amount subject to illness contributions (sal.)
PM >Bonuses, indemnities not included in the basic salary (monthlybonuses)
FP >Occupational fees included in the basic salary
SR >Restored gross salary
HR >Number of hours effectively worked Columns 3 and 9 are filled in by the RB+PM-FP result. In the event ofpaternity/maternity leave, the function moduleHR_FR_FCCO_NEW> calculates the net amount andtransfers it. Columns 4 - 5 are filled in by the wage types managed in the Periodicityof bonuses activity called up by the function moduleHR_FR_GET_PRIMES>. Column 7 is filled in by the HR value. Column 8 is filled in by the result obtained from the HR and all theentries in table AB for the period considered by cumulating the fieldABRST Column 6 displays the absences of table AB defined in the featureFABS1> on the basis of the interruption code for thework and the reason for the non-productive time. The function module HR_FR_GET_BRUT_REF>searches for these values and stocks them in the export table P_TAB_SUM. The feature FTRKT>> defines the bank details> to beindicated on the form in the event of subrogation. This featureidentifies the bank account used by the company when the SPSIs due tothe insured person are paid directly to the company. If no accountidentifier is defined in the feature FTRKT>, the bank details arethen determined using the feature DTAKT>>.Customizing electronic data interchange (EDI) mode You must have set the declarants in the Customizing section Roles and contacts>. In particular, inthe Customizing activity Assign the rolesto the workplaces>, you must select MMP >as the correspondingapplication for this statement. The Sender and Contact roles arepredefined in the Customizing activity Maintain the data linked to the roles>. You must have set the forms of address required by the authorities insection Quality: comparison logicgeneration tool>.
Selection Global data tab>> Indicate the start date or the interval corresponding to the sick leaveor maternity leave in Data selection period. >> EDI mode is enabled by default. >When working in EDI mode>, you can test > your statement and switch to production mode Selection of absences>>> Activate the checkbox corresponding to the subtype Ilness> or
Maternity>>. >It is possible to mark both to obtainstatements corresponding to the two types of non-productive time for theemployees selected. Properties workplace>>> > Mark Temporary work>>> so that it is marked on theform issued. Request for payment in euros >>is used in the event ofsubrogation. With regard to the Currency of the form>>>, you maymark the checkbox corresponding to your choice: Original currency>>> if the currency of the formcorresponds to the currency in the payroll Other>> if you wish to use another currency Signatory tab >> contains all the information relating to the signatory
- by indicating a sender SIRET. This will recover the settings for the
roles and contacts for the MMP application: ASMAFR > for thesender and ASMAIT> for the contact.
- by entering the form of address>, name, first name
and place of the signatory. These details are stored directly in theSender section of your statement. Others tab>> End of subrogation>>> modifies only the end date ofthe subrogation. This end date erases the existing date. Thismodification has no effect on the payroll.
Output This program generates an ALV list of non-productive time for sickleave, maternity and paternity leave per employee. The criteria for this list are as follows: the SIREN, the NIC, the personnel number and the names of employeesselected, the type of non-productive time (illness, maternity, paternity) and thecorresponding duration. Using either the menu or the corresponding icons, you may: access the list of errors occurring in order to check the results request the issue of statements for all employees (one for eachnon-productive time stoppage for sick leave, maternity and paternityleave, or all three depending on the option chosen in the selectionscreen of the program) print the statement corresponding to non-productive time, by doubleclicking on a line in the table. Once the form has been printed, the signatory and the employee mustappend their signature to it (using a color that is different from thecolor of the printout) before returning it to the CPAM. Issue through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) As this program generates a TemSe file, a TemSe File column is availablein the ALV list. You can therefore:
- display the MMP structures by clicking on the name of the TemSe file or
on the TemSe EDI icon
- create the file in MMP format after displaying it by clicking on the
Generate button Background launch The issue spool contains the list of errors and the TemSe file in SAPformat is created. To display the results or to create the file in MMP format, launch theRPUTMS9S program:
- Select MMP as the form type.
- Select the TemSe file to display in the TemSe object F4 help. Choose the
object type MMP Wage Statement MP test.
- Select Display TemSe contents to display the results or the option
Create end file and download to create the file in MMP format.