SAP Program RPLASMC1 - HR-CH: Solidarity contribution statement

This report creates the solidarity contribution statements for membersof the ASM [Employers' Association for Swiss Engineering Industry]. Acheck list of the contributions can be printed as well.
Start this report in each payroll period at the end of payroll. Thereport automatically finds the employees who have left during thecurrent period and for whom no reentry has been registered for the sameperiod.
A statement is issued in December for all active employees.


  • Payroll unit ASM:

  • If different areas of the company are assigned different ASM codes, youcan choose the areas for the ASM statements here. If you do not specifya payroll unit, all areas are included.
    In the standard system, the assignment of employees to ASM payrollunits is controlled by feature CHFIR. View V_T5C3J (HR-CH: Assignmentof Application Keys to Payroll Units) enables you to determine adifferent feature for application key ASM.
    The ASM payroll units are determined in view V_T5CSF (HR-CH: ASMPayroll Unit). The ASM company code is determinedusing the payroll unit.
    Usually, a company is only issued a single ASM company code. Thus, anentry in the ASM company code field is not necessary.
    The payroll unit is also used as a key for reading table T_536A(Addresses). The name of the company is stored under the IDs 'A' and'B'.
    • Wage type solidarity contributions:

    • Several wage types can be evaluated for the solidarity contributionstatement. Model wage type M960 is set as a default.
      • Sorting

      • You can choose whether a sort is carried out according to name,personnel number, or AHV [pension insurance] number.
        • Overview list

        • If you choose this field, the overview list is automatically displayed.No forms are printed.
          • Form

          • This is a DIN A5 form (German industry standard). The forms are printedtwo to a page.
            • Form with address

            • This is a DIN A4 (German industry standard) form with only one form perpage. The employee's mailing address is printed for an envelope with awindow.

              All employees who are members of the ASM must be grouped for each ASMcompany code by feature CHFIR.

              The following items can be generated:
              - Printed form
              - Check list

              The employee discontinued membership in March and resumed membership inJuly.

              • The employee is chosen for March and the contributions since the
              • beginning of the year (or in the case of entry during the year, sincethe last entry) are shown.
                • In the following periods, the employee is no longer provided with a
                • statement.
                  • The employee is selected in December and a second statement for the
                  • months July through December is created.
                    The employee joins in October and no contributions are deducted. Thecontributions are recorded retroactively in the following January forOctober through December. As of January, the contributions are deductednormally.
                    • The employee is not chosen in December. No statement is created. The
                    • employee is not chosen until December of the following year.Contributions are shown for October through December as well as forJanuary through December of the following year.

1386374Advance notice fiscal year change 2009/2010 Switzerland
1375677Solidarity contribution statements as of 2010 (RPLASMC1)