separated by male and female employees. Structure of list: In order to summarize, the individual profession categories areassigned to specific summary categories. The summary categories arethen assigned to function classes, subareas, and main areas. These summaries are controlled using the "ASM profession categories"settings. Origin of data (*) Particular wage types according to parameters. Parameters: If different areas of the company are assigned different ASM codes, youcan choose the areas for the ASM statements here. If you do not specifya payroll unit, all areas are included. In the standard system, the assignment of employees to ASM payrollunits is controlled by feature CHFIR. View V_T5C3J (HR-CH: Assignmentof Application Keys to Payroll Units) enables you to determine adifferent feature for application key ASM. The ASM payroll units aredetermined in view V_T5CSF (HR-CH: ASM Payroll Unit). The Usually, a company is only issued a single ASM company code. Thus, anentry in this field is not necessary. The payroll unit is also used as a key for reading table T_536A(Addresses). The name of the company is stored under the ID 'A'. This information is printed in the page header for ASM statistics. You must enter the number of working hours per month (currently 173according to ASM). You must enter the wage types that must be taken into account whenbasic pay is processed. If particular wage types must be excluded, usethe "Exclude from selection" option. If you do not enter any wagetypes, all wage types are selected. You must enter the wage types in which the contractual wages ofapprentices are paid. If you do not enter any wage types, all wagetypes are selected. Settings: Text and ASM number for the company Payroll type Grouping terms Summary terms Texts for group terms Call and selection |