&TITLE&> Pay statement for the payment of SPSI (work accident, occupationalillness) Purpose The program Pay statement - Work accident or occupationalillness >>(RPLASAF3) >is used to issue the statement with theform Cerfa 11137*01. This program is based on the data entered in theinfotype non-pr oductive work time data (0424),>> subtype Work accident (ATT ) >> and illness (MAL) >>and on the payroll results forthe month prior to the start date of the work accident or theoccupational illness of the employee. Besides the paper version (Cerfa form), this program supports thecreation, generation and sending of the XML file by electronic datainterchange to the official social declarations site(www.net-entreprises.fr).Prerequisites The address of the employer must be set in the activityAddresses of the employer>. The featureFTDS2> is used todetermine the place of work of the victim. To calculate the SPSI, the following elements must be known: the monthlygross part for the period of reference, the non-monthly bonuses reducedto a monthly value, the CSG/CRDS illness contributions paid by theemployee, imputed income and the restored gross part. To fill in thecolumns of the statement, this program is based on the settings in theaccrual tables of the SPSI in the activity Determinepayroll wage types>: RB Gross amount basic salary> II Imputed income not included in the basic salary / tip income> BO Bonuses, indemnities not included in the basic salary> AP Additional plan employer contributions or pension fund> IC Illness salary contribution> SR Restored gross salary>(to calculate the loss of salary in theevent of absence during the period of reference) Column 4 is filled in by RB Column 5 is filled in by II Column 6 is filled in by BO Column 12 is automatically supplied by the wage types managed in theview Bonus periodicities >>(V_T5FPER). The function moduleHR_FR_GET_PRIMES> controls this calculation. Column 14 is filled in by the absences read in the cluster table AB anddefined by the featureFABS2>. Column 18 is filled in by the SR - /101 (gross total) result and splitat the pro rata rate for each absence. This program reads table AB of the payroll cluster to determine theabsences occurring during the periods of reference. The features FTRKT and DTAKT determine the bank details > to beindicated on the form in the event of subrogation. The contributions and the agencies must have been entered in theinfotype Social data (0064)>>.Customizing EDI mode For EDI mode, the following IMG settings stages are required: You must have set the declarants in the Customizing section Rôles et contacts>. In particular, inthe Customizing activity Assign the rolesto the workplaces>, you must select ATT >as the correspondingapplication for this statement. The Sender and Contact roles arepredefined in the Customizing activity Maintain the data linked to the roles>. You must have set the forms of address required by the authorities inthe section Quality: comparison logicgeneration tool>. Indicate the start date of the end or the interval corresponding to thisdate in Data selection period>. Global Data tab>> EDI mode is enabled by default.> When working in EDI mode>, you can test > your statement and move it to production mode >.
- Settings>>, indicate:
all the subtypes Absences (2001)>> which correspond tonon-productive time without continued pay in Absence without con tinued pay. >>If this field is filled in, the corresponding checkbox(frame C, checkbox No> of the column has the victim benefitedfrom continued pay>) is marked on the form issued by the program the agencies and contributions for the work accident of the employees sothat this program can identify the employee's Risk code For special cases - employees younger than 18, apprentices or trainees-, indicate the minimum salary in the corresponding field. Enter Number of the contract and Date of contract>> only forthe apprentices.
- Regarding the Currency>> of the form, you can mark:
Original currency >>if the currency of the form must be thecurrency of the payroll calculation Other >>if you wish to use another currency for the form >> Request for payment in euros>> is used during the payment ofthe SPSIs in the event of subrogation. Signatory Tab> groups together all the information relating to the signatory. Thecoordinates of the work doctor must be entered. Enter the signatory information as follows:
- by indicating a sender SIRET. This will recover the settings for the
roles and contacts for the ATT application: ASMAFR for the sender andASMAIT for the contact.
- by entering the form of address, name, first name and place of the
signatory. These details are stored directly in the Sender section ofyour statement. Other tab> End of subrogation>>> is used to modify only the enddate of the subrogation.Output This program generates an ALV list of the non-productive times for workaccident and illness according to the following criteria: the SIREN, the NIC, the personnel number, the name of each employee selected, the start and end dates of the non-productive time, the start and end dates of the period of reference corresponding to thebasic salary, the elements of the basic salary and compensation as well as thecurrency used Using either the menu or the corresponding icons, you can: display the list of errors occurring during the execution of the programin order to check results request the issue of all the statements (one for each non-productiveperiod as a result of a work accident or an occupational illness) forall the employees selected obtain a printout of the statement corresponding to the non-productiveperiod selected by double clicking on a line in the table This program may be executed in the background. Once the form has been printed, the signatory and the employee must signit (using a different color to the color used in the printout) beforeturning to the CPAM. Issue through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) As this program generates a TemSe file, a TemSe File column is availablein the ALV list. You can therefore: