Description Output history and total points of Personnel Appraisals. In SAP System, Japanese performance rating are maintained in the'Personnel Appraisals JP' infotype(0147). Execution schedule After Personnel Appraisals (Or occasionally) Selection Refers to all employees who are active on the specified date RESET N1 Further parameters Explanation for each parameters is described in the fielddocumentation.(Put the cursor on the field and press F1 key). Employee selection Selecting employee by specifying Pay scale type, Pay scale area, Payscale group, Hire date and appraisal type is possible Output fields selection Generations Output of appraisal data up to six appraisal results is possible. Output variations By marking the Appr.Main F, you will get the appraisal result for eachAppraisal main feature. By marking the output Rank, you will get the appraisal result evaluatedas Rank in alphabet letters (A, B+, etc). By marking the output Point, you will get the appraisal resultevaluated as Point using numbers (4.0, 5.5 etc). Sorting order/Control break Sorting by Personnel area, Personnel Subarea, Organizational Unit, Payscale type, Pay scale area, Pay scale group, Pay scale level, Personnelnumber, Kana name and Hire date is possible. Choose fields and define priority for sorting, then select fields forcontrolling breaks (where to change page or line) from selected fieldsfor sorting. (Personnel number and Kana name are not available for Control break) |