Title Determination of voters and eligible parties for the elections of thepersonnel delegates (P.D.) and of the representatives to the workscouncil (W.C.). Purpose This program is used to establish the list of employees present and todetermine on the basis of criteria such as age and length of servicethose employees that belong to the voters' college as well as theemployees likely to be eligible for the elections. Prerequisites
- Concerning the type of contract
If you use infotypeAssignment (0001)> to record the type ofcontract, the CONTR constant in table T511K must have the value 1. The infotype in which the type of contract is recorded (Contractelements (0016)> as standard or Assignment (0001)>) must be setcorrectly and the contract text must be entered. the properties (nature, validity period) of the various contract typesmust be entered in table T5F42.
- Concerning the staff part
The infotypes Actions (0000)>, Assignment (0001)> andBasic remuneration (0008)> must be complete and correct in orderto calculate on a pro rata basis the employee's part in the staff.
- Concerning the voter's college
Table T5F4F defines the electoral domains; you must thus set it todefine such domains within your company; if you use electoral domains, it is also necessary to assign thepersonnel domain and sub-domain pair to the electoral domains in tableT5F1P; these features FCODP (for the personnel delegate elections) and FCOCE(for the elections to the Works Council) which will determine theelectoral college. Adapt the version provided by SAP for informationpurposes to your needs. If particular cases exist for the electoralcolleges, these are to be managed in infotype 0217>. Finally, table T5F4G, which contains the voters' colleges, must be set. To check the prerequisite settings, follow the instructions in thecorresponding chapter of the implementation guide (follow: Payrollcalculation - France -> Other posting runs -> P.D.Elections, representatives to the WC and Labor relations section>>).Features Selection The selection of employees is carried out by SIRET or the voters' domain(if you have defined it beforehand). You have only to enter thecorresponding field into the selection screen of the program. The user may also reactivate the standard selection frame of thepersonnel numbers using the button Other selections >. Employees who are not active (STAT2=3) or whose contract is suspended(STAT2=1) on the day of the elections and employees not assigned to thevoters' domains (or SIRET) selected are rejected and do not appear onthe list issued. It is also possible to exclude certain employees on the basis ofsupplementary criteria. The employees excluded by these criteria areprocessed by the program and appear in the list issued (except in theinstances indicated below), but are not integrated into the staffcalculation and are not likely to become voters or eligible parties.Exclusion of staff either from the list of voters or from the listof eligible parties >
- on the basis of the employee's personnel number;
- on the basis of the employee's contract type;
- on the basis of the employee's status produced in infotype 0001>;
- on the basis of the employee's category (produced in infotype 0001)
- on the basis of the type of absence on the election day (infotype
Absences (2001) >);
- on the basis of the presence type on the election day(infotype
Presences 2002>);
- on the basis of the action which the employee was subject to on the
election data and the corresponding reason (infotype Actions (0000)>). Important: If you enter a value spread (from 97 to 9799 for example),actions that you do not wish to include in the selection criteria willalso be integrated (for example action 96 with reasons from 01 to 99).Calculation of staff> The part of each non-excluded employee in the staff is calculated on thebasis of his rate of activity. For temporary work contracts, thepresence time in the company is also taken into account. Calculation of the length of service to determine the electorate andeligibility> The length of service required must be entered into the selection screenfor voters and eligible parties. The length of service is calculated by default by adding together theduration of actions in infotype Actions (0000)>. It is alsopossible to calculate it on the basis of the start date indicated ininfotype Management dates (0041)>, provided that this option isentered into the selection screen of the program. Note: contract changes that have an effect on the length of service mustbe subject to administrative action. The length of service of the employee is calculated differentlydepending on whether it is integrated for the determination of thevoters or the eligibility of the employee.
- 1. Voter's length of service>
For the voters, the length of service can be acquired through continuousor discontinuous contracts within the company. The system calculates the length of service by default from the datewhen the employee is first hired. However it is possible to adjust thisprinciple, on the basis of past and future decisions that set legalprecedents, and to calculate thus the length of service differently inthe following cases: a. Uninterrupted succession of contrats> By default, length of service is calculated from the first contractunless infotype 0041 is used. It is also possible to suspend the calculation of length of serviceduring the execution of particular type or actions/reasons contracts. These contracts must have been entered into the selection screen, themodification of the contract must be performed via an administrativeaction and the contract must be set as described above in the chapterPrerequisites. b. Discontinuous succession of contracts > By default, the length of service is not reset to zero at the end ofeach contract. The calculation is only suspended and recommences whenrehiring occurs. It is possible to indicate to the system certain actions/reasons thatreset the length of service to zero. In all instances, if a date is indicated in infotype 0041, it will beintegrated as a priority (provided that this option appears in theselection screen). c. Suspension of contract> Suspension of contract, in accordance with the standard and withrecommendations made for the payroll, must be accompanied by an actionthat sets the activity status to 1 (STAT2=1). It is also possible to setthe contract suspension via an absence to the interior of an action. Twocases must thus be distinguished: * Suspension via STAT 2=1> Legally, the majority of contract suspensions are assimilated into theeffective work time. By default, the system thus continues to calculatethe length of service during the suspension of the contract. For suspension not assimilated into effective work (parental leave forexample), the calculation of length of service may be suspended duringthe duration of the contract suspension, provided that action is enteredinto the selection screen. It is also possible to use infotype 0041 as a priority. *Suspension via an absence> During the absence (field Absence types to be deducted>) indicatedin the selection screen, the calculation of the length of service withinan action is suspended. The absence must not overlap two actions. If a length of service date is entered in infotype 0041, the systemstarts the calculation from this date but deducts the duration of theabsence from it.
- 2. Eligible length of service>
For eligible employees, the length of service must be acquired throughcontinuous contracts. By default, the system thus calculates the lengthof service from the last action during which the activity status is notinactive (STAT2 > 0). For a succession of contracts, length of service is calculated from thestart of the last contract if discontinuous succession occurs (one dayof inactivity is enough to reset the length of service to zero). It ispossible to depart from this principle by using infotype 0041. For contract suspension, the system does not suspend the length ofservice and does not reset it to zero. It is possible to suspend thecalculation of length of service by indicating the action / the reasonfor suspension or the absence in the selection screen.Display variants> In the selection screen of this program, you may select a displayvariant for the list of results generated by this program in the fieldLayout>. In the absence of a variant, all columns will bedisplayed in the list of results. Important! Do not confuse the display variants with the execution variants of theprograms.Output The program generates a list of employees, in which are designated thevoters and eligible parties for the elections. Their college is alsoindicated. Before any results are checked, you are advised to consult the list ofpossible errors that may have occurred during the execution of theprogram, which is accessible through the corresponding icon. Note: The features that determine the electoral college may use fieldsP0001-ANSVH and P0016-CTTYP simultaneously. If they are not entered, theprogram will display an error message. The list of results is presented in the form of a table display by theALV (ABAP List Viewer), which is used to standardize the output of listsin the system and offers multiple possibilities for layout. It is, for example, possible to select the columns to be displayed andthe display order for these columns, to sort the employees on the basisof one or more criteria, to obtain the total for a selected field andeven subtotals on the basis of the contents of one or more additionalcolumns. These options are accessible either through the menu, or thecorresponding icons. The display setting may now be saved in a display variant. To define your own variants, proceed as follows: in the screen containing the list of results, select the icon Modifyformat> (or follow the menu path Options -> Format -> Modify>)and modify the display; Back in the results list screen, select the icon Save format> (orfollow the menu path Options -> Format -> Save>) and enter thetext (preceded by a '/') from the new variant corresponding to thedisplay previously set. If one of these variants must be designated bydefault at the moment of its creation, mark the corresponding checkbox. To export our own variants from one client to another, proceed asfollows: in the results list screen, follow, from the menu, the access pathOptions -> Format -> Manage>; in the next screen, select in the menu: Layout -> Transport >; provide the number of a transport order of the Settings type; To import the variants into a client: in the results list screen, following, using the menu, the access pathOptions -> Format -> Manage>; in the next screen, select Environment -> Import Layout> in themenu; enter the source client; select the variant then Layout -> Import> in the menu. In the same way, it is possible to import using client 000 the variantsprovided as standard in the SAP settings.