Description The purpose of this report is to create a file to AMF for the workers. The file should be sent once a year to AMF. Normally, you send the information for the past year at the end of January the following year. The file layout is decided by AMF. Apart from the file, you can also chose a report ('Personuppgifter') with the same data as on the file. Furthermore, a report with the total salary for both workers and salaried ('Lönesummor') can be selected. The amount of wage type /115 is used, hence all wage types that are to be included in the file/report must be cumulated into /115. Fields on the selection screen. a - Personell number b - Payroll area c - Pers.area/sub area/cost center d - employee group/subgroup e - Benefit plan type AMF (the AMF plan type for workers) f - Benefit plan type TFA (the special AMF insurance for salaried) - needed for the report Lönesummor. g - Actual year h - Report to AMF also from other media. If more than one file is sent to AMF (if e.g. you had another pay roll system at the beginning of the year), mark this field. This is a demand from AMF. i - Download to file - you mark this field if you want to create a file to AMF (a file with all your workers and their total pay during the selected report year) j - Available reports. Lönesummor is a sum of what has been paid out for workers as well as for salaried. Personuppgifter is a report of annual pay for workers, actually the same information as on the file to AMF made into a report. Mark which report you want. k - Exceptions - State employee nos of salaried that you wish to exclude from the sum Lönesumma tjänstemän avgift trygghetsrådet' - State positions for painters for whom the AMF premium is paid by 'Målarnas semesterkassa' Requirements The amount of wage type /115 is used to decide the paid out salary forthe report year, hence all wage types that are to be included in the file/report must be cumulated into /115. The AMF number is read from the insurance plan that the employee is enrolled in (the program checks if the employee is enrolled in an insurance plan belonging to the registered plan types). Thus thecorrect AMF-number has to be found in the insurance plan. |