Title Equal Opportunity Survey (Applicant Data) for USA Purpose Like the Equal Opportunity Survey for full-timeemployee data>, the Equal Opportunity Survey or "EO Survey>"for applicant> data is produced to satisfy the reportingrequirements established by the Office of Federal Contract CompliancePrograms (within the U.S. Department of Labor) for selected Federalcontractors and subcontractors. This report, however, produces a muchnarrower range of output than its equivalent for full-time employees.Recommendation Prior to executing the EO Survey for Applicant Data, we stronglyrecommend that you first review the reportdocumentation> for the EO Survey for full-time employee data. Thisdocument describes the integration points and prerequisites to considerbefore executing the EO Survey reporting process.Integration The integration considerations for this report are described in detailwithin the report documentation> for the EO Surveyfor full-time employee data.Prerequisites The prerequisites for this report are described in detail within thereport documentation> for the EO Survey for full-timeemployee data. In addition to the prerequisites described there, youmust also maintain employee data in Infotypes 4001 and 4002 before youmay execute the EO Survey for Applicant Data.Features Selection The output of the EO Survey for applicant data can be produced for anycombination of standard period and personnel selection criteria. Thedefault selection period spans from January 1 to December 31 of theprevious calendar year. Standard_variants The EO Survey for applicant data features no standard variants. Output The output of the EO Survey for applicant data satisfies the reportingrequirements established by the OFCPP for data to be submitted in theApplicants> section (on page 5) of Part B of the EqualOpportunity Survey. With the exception of data to be reported in sections 2 through 5 ofPart A of the Equal Opportunity Survey, the remainder of the reportingrequirements established for the EO Survey are fulfilled by the EOSurvey for full-time employee data. In addition to displaying the output of the EO Survey for ApplicantData from within the system, you may also elect to view output in avariety of other media, including ASCII or text files, spreadsheets,documents, or in HTML. To export the output to a desired medium, makethe appropriate selection from the List> menu. If you encounter difficulties when attempting to print the output ofthe EO Survey for Applicant Data from within the system, simply viewthe output within HTML (or save it to an .htm file for later viewing),then print the output from an HTML browser.Activities To obtain the data to be reported on the Equal Opportunity Survey tothe OFCPP, execute the EO Survey for the desired period and personnelrange. In response, on the subsequent screen, the system displays the data tobe reported for the specified range of applicants on page 5 (in Part B)of the Equal Opportunity Survey, entitled PERSONNEL ACTIVITY BYEEO-1 CATEGORY - APPLICANTS>. In compliance with reporting requirements, the system displaysreporting data for the the selected applicants by race, gender, EEOReporting Unit number and name, and EEO Job Category number and name.To report this data to the OFCCP, you may transfer the data manuallyeither to the paper Equal Opportunity Survey, or to the appropriatereporting medium at http://www.EOSURVEY.dol.gov>. From this first screen of the report output, you may select theError list> function button from the application toolbar todetermine whether errors were found for applicants within the selectedpersonnel range. Upon accessing the error list, you will notice asummary of all errors that were found, sorted by personnel number,along with error messages prompting you, for example, to maintain theBasic Pay> infotype (0008) for the chosen selection period, or tomaintain the Additional Personal Data> infotype (0077) for theapplicant(s) indicated. However, the presence of errors for any applicant(s) in thespecified personnel range will not prevent the system from reportingdata for all other applicants in that range.> For example, supposeyour specified personnel range consists of 500 applicants, 20 of whomhave not been assigned an ethnic origin within the AdditionalPersonal Data> infotype (0077). Despite this error, the system willreport the appropriate data for the 480 other applicants. Consequently, we strongly recommend that you review the> Errorlist in its entirety before submitting any data to the OFCCP!> Once you have reviewed the Error list> and ensured that no errorswere found within the specified range of applicants, you may return tothe first screen of the report output and select either of the twofunction buttons from the application toolbar; these function buttonsare explained below.
- Choose Applicants List> to list the applicants by name for whom
data is being reported.
- Choose Reporting Units> to list the EEO reporting unit numbers,
names, addresses, nine-digit IRS tax numbers, and EEO-1 numbers for thereporting units for whose applicants data is being reported.