Purpose With this report you can maintain an overview of employees who requireor who have already received a Work and Remuneration Confirmation. Thereport issues a list of employees who require a Work and RemunerationConfirmation. In addition, it creates a list of employees:
- For whom a Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created and sent
- For whom a Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created, but not
- For whom no Work and Remuneration Confirmation has been created
For data, the report evaluates thepersonal calendar> for theselected employee. In addition, it reads the data you saved to thedetail screen in the view V_T5A4Q> (Characteristics ofPresence/Absence Types) in the section Continued Remuneration>.Integration Work and Remuneration Confirmation A> infotype (0526) assists youin creating the confirmation.Prerequisites You have updated your employees' personal calendar by running thereport RPTGENA0> (Generate Personal Calendar:Austria). In Customizing for Payroll Austria> under Absences> ->Entitlement to Continued Remuneration > you have processed thestep Define Two-Digit Absence Symbol> (In this step you havespecified the absence symbol in the view V_T5A4Q>.)Output The results are displayed as a list. You can prepare the listsindividually. To do this, the following generic functions areavailable:
- Sort of the list according to any column criteria
- Display/hide certain columns
- Change in the column width
- Creation of totals using the value columns
- Creation of group totals according to different criteria
- Filter
- Detail view of a list line
- Mail connection
- Excel download
- Word download
List header The list header is prepared dynamically. You can determine the sortfields for the list header as follows: Choose Sort ascend. order> or Sort descend. order> from thelist. The window Define sort> is displayed. Select the sort fields for the list header from the Field list>. Choose Display selected fields>. For each sort field, enter *> in the column GC> (Groupchange) of the table Sort Fields>. Choose OK>.Display variants After processing the list, you can save the processing options thatsuit your needs as display variants. To do this, choose Settings>-> Display variants> -> Save ...> from the list processed.Further_hints For information on Work and Remuneration Confirmations, call upWork and Remuneration Confirmation A> infotype (0526) throughHelp> -> Application help>. For more information on the List Viewer, see Help> -> SAPLibrary> -> CA - Cross Application Components> -> GeneralApplication Functions> -> ABAP List Viewer>.