Purpose Use this report to determine employee absences, whose duration exceedsthe specified legal limit. The report delimits the absence record inAbsences> infotype (2001) to the date on which the absence typereaches the maximum specified legal limit. If an absence exceeds the legal limit, the report creates a new recordin Absences> infotype (2001) with the new Absence Type>.This new record stores the number of days by which the employee exceedsthe absences limit.Integration You have maintained the following IMG activities under PayrollSweden> -> Absences> -> Absence Limit Adjustments>:
- Define Absence Codes>
- Map Old Abs. Types to New Abs. Types>
Selection In the Selection> section, specify the employee(s) for whom thereport must read the absence data. The report reads the employee(s) records maintained in Absences>infotype (2001) for the periods between the start of the VacationYear> and the one that is specified in the Process Period>section.Output For an absence that exceeds the permitted limit, this report displaysthe following information:
- Begin Date> and End Date> of the absence duration, which
lies within the permitted limit
- Begin Date> and End Date> of the absence duration, which
exceeds the limit
- Number of absence days that fall within the limit specified, and the
number of days that exceed the limit in the Calender Days> field
- Absence Type> associated with the absence
Note The report creates a new record in Absences> infotype (2001), withthe new Absence Type> only if you select Create Batch Input >.