SAP Program RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_SCHM - SxP and OxP Scheme Overview

SxP and OxP Scheme Overview (RPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM)

You run report SxP and OxP Scheme Overview(RPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM) to view the customising settings for each OxPand SxP Absence Scheme you have created.
Your employees' SxP entitlements are predefined. However, youremployees' OxP entitlements are defined during customising of your OxPsolution.
Report RPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM integrates these two distinct sets ofentitlements so you can view them simultaneously.

You must have maintained all your OxP Schemes in customising BEFORE theycan be viewed.

The OxP functionality is based on SAP International Payrollfunctionality. Therefore, you must select a Country Grouping (MOLGA 08)to view your own specific OxP schemes when you run ReportRPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM.

In the Selection Options group box, enter Country Grouping(MOLGA) 08 to view your OxP schemes.
You can also use the field Scheme to view a specific scheme.
Use the field Layout to select your preferred display layout(pre-defined).
Execute Report RPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM.

See also:
Report RPLABSG0_SxP_OxP_SCHM is one of the Payroll Great Britain absencereporting tools you can use to manage your absence processing.
To view documentation on the other PY-GB absence reporting tools, clickon the links below:
Absence Costs
Absence Spells Analysis (Bradford Factor)
Absence Pattern Analysis
Absence Data Overview
SxP/OxP Absences Calendar
SxP Exclusions
SxP/OxP Payment Sheet
SxP/OxP Entitlements Left
SxP/OxP Entitlement History
SxP/OxP Entitlement Band Changes