Title SxP and OxP History Conversion Report (RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV ) Purpose Running Report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV allows you to generate sufficienthistory in the payroll cluster to allow you to perform subsequentabsence processing accurately and without errors. You run this report in one of the two following situations: Use report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV to fill the table Coverage History(COVER), either: As part of the Data-Take-On process when you first implement SAP andstart using the new OxP solution, OR> When you decide to implement the new OxP solution. Use report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV to fill the table Personal Calendar(NCALE), as part of your Data-Take-On process when you first implementSAP.Prerequisites When the payroll functionGPNAB> is firstused in payroll, make sure that coverage history has been created farenough back in the payroll past. Coverage history can be determined andstored in the payroll cluster using this report (which uses the samerules as those used by the payroll function GPNAB). When the payroll functionGBSXP> is firstused in payroll, make sure that personal calendar has been created farenough back in the payroll past. The personal calendar can be determinedand stored in the payroll cluster using this report (which uses the samerules as those used by the payroll function GBSXP).Integration: Data-Take-On For customers implementing SAP for the first time, processing ofemployees who have already commenced a PIW, MPP, APP or PPP has beenenhanced. The report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV generates NCALE for the periods up tothe Go-Live date, as there were no payroll results. NCALE is thenavailable to process any necessary absence history. In addition, you must also consider the following points:
- Absences data from infotype Absences >(2001) must be loaded into
your R/3 system.
- OxP configuration must be completed prior to running this report.
The Go-Live date (featureGLIVE>) willdictate which absences are mapped via the cross-reference table T5GPBS31and which are processed exactly as they would be by payroll duringoperation of payroll function GPNAB.
- If SxP is converted, then the average override wage types (AWES, AWEM,
AWEP, AWES) must be loaded into infotype Recur. Payments/Deds. (0014)for all absences that overlaps the Go-Live date (featureGBPGL>). This ensures that the Average Weekly Earnings calculation will beprocessed by the conversion in the same way that they will be processedby the payroll. However, any sickness that ends within 56 days of the go-live date(feature GBPGL) does not have to have an average override wage type. Intheory, it should really have an average override wage type as it couldin theory link to a sickness after the go-live date (feature GBPGL). Butas it is also necessary to enter the average override wage type afterthe go-live date (feature GBPGL), it doesn't seem sensible to enter ittwice. However, there is one exception to this rule. If any SSP'ableabsences should be excluded due to low AWE then it is imperative thatthe AWES wage type is entered to ensure that it is excluded during theconversion program.
- If SxP is converted, then the offsetting wage types (TOFG, TOOG, TOFM,
TOOM, TOFP, TOOP) must be loaded into infotype Additional Payments>(0015). This ensures that the offsetting calculation is processed during thefirst week that spans the Go-Live date (feature GBPGL). For more details, see the document: Absence Evaluation DTO - SxP oxp data-take-on (2.0),,> You can download this documentation in the SAP Service Marketplace, fromthe Payroll Great Britain Customer Page at http://service.sap.com/hrgb>. Choose Media Center >->Statutory and Occupational Absences -> Absence EvaluationData-Take-On (2.0).>Functions Selection
- Choose your selection criteria in the Period >and Selection
>group boxes.
- Set the Process SxP in addition to OxP indicator >in the SxP
Processing >group box if you wish to convert SxP in addition to OxP. If you do not set this indicator, the program will not fill NCALE andinstead will only fill COVER. Note: This option is only available if you have GBSxP Phase II active inyour R/3 system.
- Set the Implement database change> indicator in the Update
Database >group box if you wish to update PCL1. Otherwise, the programwill not update the database.
- Optionally, you can maintain the specified absence type in the field
Att./Absence type> to convert only specific absence subtypes. These selected absence subtypes must be applicable to OxP and SxP, forexample, sickness and not a holiday absence.
- Optionally, you can maintain the specified absence reason in the field
Desc. Of Illness> to convert only specific absence reasons. These selected absence reasons must be applicable to OxP and SxP, forexample, a certified maternity absence.
- In the Input options> group box, you can choose to run Report
RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_CONV for selected TemSe files created previously You must specify the relevant file for processing in the field TemSeobject.> In this case, no processing is performed, but the results ofa previous run can be displayed.Output You can choose to output this report in either an ABAP List Viewer (ALV)or TemSe format. If you would like to run this program for a large number of employeesand check the results, it could exceed your online run time. In thiscase, you may wish to run the program in batch mode and generate a TemSefile.