Report: RPLABSG0_SCHEME_OVERVIEW Title Display Absence Evaluation Schemes Purpose The View Cluster used to maintain Absence Evaluation Schemes does notallow a "simple" overview of the many levels used in the View Cluster.The Scheme Overview buttons made available are simply to allow thisextra overview facility while maintaining your Absence EvaluationSchemes. This report allows exactly the same facility, but after the AbsenceEvaluation Schemes have been maintained. This report is also availablewhen using the "Entitlements Left" and "Absence Breakdown" buttonsduring Absence Entry (Infotype 2001) or the reports PNP reports for thesame purpose "Entitlements Left" and "Absence Breakdown". Prerequisites Absence Evaluation Schemes MUST have been maintained BEFORE they can beviewed. Scope of Functions The Absence Evaluation Schemes are international and so CountryGrouping (MOLGA) should be selected to get your own specific AbsenceEvaluation Schemes. |