Purpose This report displays information related to Labour RelationsInterventions> for the selected employees. The concerns related toLabour Relations could be due to any of the following:
- Abscondment
- Grievance
- Misconduct (Less Serious)
- Misconduct (Serious)
You maintain the information about the concern in Labour Relations(ZA)> infotype (3202). When you execute this report, the system readsthe information for the selected employees from the infotype anddisplays the same. &NOTE&> You also have the option to print the Labour Relations case file fromthe output screen of this report.Integration Labour Relations Case File Generator (PDF) report(RPLABCW0)>Prerequisites
- You must maintain the options for Labour Relations Intervention details
under Payroll South Africa> -> South African Reporting >->Labour Relations> -> Maintain LabourRelation Intervention Details>.
- You must maintain the intervention details in Labour Relations (ZA)
> infotype (3202).Output Activities From SAP Easy Access >menu, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll> -> Africa> -> South Africa> -> The system displays Labour Relations Report (South Africa)>selection screen. In the Period >section, enter the period for which you want to runthe report. The system displays the intervention details that exist forthis period. In the Selection >section, enter the employee selection criteria. In the Additional Selections> section, enter the selectioncriteria incase you want to further filter the selection of employeesfor whom you want to run the report. To execute the report, choose Program> -> Execute>. The system displays the Labour Relations Report> output screen. On the output screen, the report displays the following information:
- Type of intervention
- Case number
- Personnel Number and name of the employee
- Current status of the case
- Reason for the intervention
On this screen, you have the following options on the Application toolbar:
- To view further details of a particular case, select the case from the
list displayed in Case Overview> section, and choose DisplayCase Details>. At the bottom left hand side section of the outputscreen, the system displays the case description you have maintained inLabour Relations (ZA)> infotype (3202). At the bottom right handside section, you can: View the list of various attachments. To open these documents doubleclick the document. Print the attached documnts. To do so, select the Print> optionfrom the menu bar.
- To view the details about the participant involved in a particular case,
select the case from the list displayed in Case Overview> section,and choose Display Participants/ Roles>.
- To view the status details of the report, select the case from the list
displayed in Case Overview> section, and choose DisplayProcess/ Level>. Note Choose the blue arrow icon on the Application tool bar to close thebottom two sections on the output screen.
- To print the case file in PDF, select the case from the list displayed
in Case Overview> section, and choose Display/ Print Case File >. Note Alternatively, you can run the Labour Relations CaseFile Generator report (RPLABCW0)>to print the case file.
- To display Labour Relations (ZA)> infotype (3202) overview of the
selected employee, choose Transaction data>.