SAP Program RPLABRW0 - Labour Relations Report (South Africa)

This report displays information related to Labour RelationsInterventions for the selected employees. The concerns related toLabour Relations could be due to any of the following:

  • Abscondment

  • Grievance

  • Misconduct (Less Serious)

  • Misconduct (Serious)

  • You maintain the information about the concern in Labour Relations(ZA) infotype (3202). When you execute this report, the system readsthe information for the selected employees from the infotype anddisplays the same.
    You also have the option to print the Labour Relations case file fromthe output screen of this report.

    Labour Relations Case File Generator (PDF) report(RPLABCW0)


    • You must maintain the options for Labour Relations Intervention details
    • under Payroll South Africa -> South African Reporting ->Labour Relations -> Maintain LabourRelation Intervention Details.
      • You must maintain the intervention details in Labour Relations (ZA)

      • infotype (3202).


        From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Africa -> South Africa ->
        The system displays Labour Relations Report (South Africa)selection screen.
        In the Period section, enter the period for which you want to runthe report. The system displays the intervention details that exist forthis period.
        In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
        In the Additional Selections section, enter the selectioncriteria incase you want to further filter the selection of employeesfor whom you want to run the report.
        To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
        The system displays the Labour Relations Report output screen.
        On the output screen, the report displays the following information:

        • Type of intervention

        • Case number

        • Personnel Number and name of the employee

        • Current status of the case

        • Reason for the intervention

        • On this screen, you have the following options on the Application toolbar:
          • To view further details of a particular case, select the case from the
          • list displayed in Case Overview section, and choose DisplayCase Details. At the bottom left hand side section of the outputscreen, the system displays the case description you have maintained inLabour Relations (ZA) infotype (3202). At the bottom right handside section, you can:
            View the list of various attachments. To open these documents doubleclick the document.
            Print the attached documnts. To do so, select the Print optionfrom the menu bar.
            • To view the details about the participant involved in a particular case,
            • select the case from the list displayed in Case Overview section,and choose Display Participants/ Roles.
              • To view the status details of the report, select the case from the list
              • displayed in Case Overview section, and choose DisplayProcess/ Level.
                Choose the blue arrow icon on the Application tool bar to close thebottom two sections on the output screen.
                • To print the case file in PDF, select the case from the list displayed
                • in Case Overview section, and choose Display/ Print Case File
                  Alternatively, you can run the Labour Relations CaseFile Generator report (RPLABCW0)to print the case file.
                  • To display Labour Relations (ZA) infotype (3202) overview of the
                  • selected employee, choose Transaction data.