Title AA-register - electronic version Purpose This report enables electronic reporting of AA-registeret to RTV. Itcan be used both for Statuskontroll and løpende meldingsgang. Statuskontrollen collects all RTV relevant data over a period of thelast 12 months for each selected person. It can only be reported onerecord per employee per juridisk nummer. Meldingstypen (message type) ofStatuskontrollen is '88'. Løpende meldingsgang should be started on a regular basis - at leastonce a month, but biweekly or weekly is also possible. The løpendemeldinger reports all changes in master data compared to what hasalready been reported to RTV. Depending on the current situation,different message types are created. The different types are - '8I': Entry message - '8O': Leaving message - '8F': Withdrawing an entry message - '8E': Change message. - '8K': Correction of a reported master data For a detailed description of the message types, please refer todocument "Kravspesifikasjon - Rapportering på maskinlesbart medium tilRikstrygdeverkets AA-register" from 03.05.1999. It is recommended to run the report in test mode and verify the listoutput before creating a file for the authorities. See output sectionfor further details. Integration The report is started with transaction PC00_M20_LAAM, which is situatedin the menu under Human Resources -> Payroll -> Europe -> Norway ->Subsequent Activities -> Other Periods -> Reporting -> Bi-Weekly Report > You can access the report documentation in the following IMG path: Payroll Norway -> Statistical Reporting -> AA Register Reporting>Prerequisites Ensure that the relevant employee records exist in the followinginfotypes:
- Master data infotypes:
Actions> (IT0000) Organizational Assignment> (IT0001) Planned Working Time> (IT0007) Absences> (IT2001) All changes of the listed infotypes are recorded using a dynamic event.This means that the report will select master data between the date ofthe earliest, relevant MD change and rundate from the selection screen.See release note on AA-registeret for details on the activation of thedynamic event. For employees on full time leave, the report generates 8I and 8Omessages. In case of employees on part time leave, the report generatesan 8E message, with reduced number of working hours.
- Employee Remuneration> infotype (2010)
In this infotype, you can store the actual number of working hours foran employee on Hourly Employment> contract. By default, the systemreads employee work hours from Planned Working Time> infotype(0007). However, for employees on hourly contract, the report readsEmployee Remuneration> infotype (2010).
- Attendances> (2002) infotype
In this infotype, you can store the working hours of hourly paidemployees. You can maintain these details for the main position that anemployee works in. The report reads the attendance details of hourly paid employees fromthis infotype based on the return date that you maintain inSolution Change-OverDate>(Norway) (20SOL) feature. Note You can also create this record through Cross Application Time Sheet >( CATS) time recording maintained by an employee
- Activity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509)
In this infotype, you can maintain the employee's additional position.This is applicable for both monthly and hourly employment contracts. The report output displays data on the position, for which the employeeworks the maximum number of hours. The maximum number of working hourscould be either the main position or the additional position. The datais generated for employees on monthly as well as hourly work contracts. Note All changes of the listed infotypes are recorded using a dynamic event.This means that the report will select data between last reportedrundate (or the date of the earliest relevant Master Data change if thisis before the previous rundate) and rundate from the selection screen(including the rundate). See release note on AA-registeret for detailson the activation of the dynamic event. Example: Previous rundate was31.01.2008, new rundate is 15.02.2008. If there is no new master datachange before 31.01.2008, the interval will be 01.02.2008 to 15.02.2008. Ensure that you check the job code catalogue : Check the job codes (yrkeskoder STYRK) stored in your system. TableT5V5A is delivered with (at the time of delivery) the complete catalogueof job codes as delivered by SSB. If you notice missing entries, pleasewrite an OSS message and let us know. This is not used by public sector,where the position code is used instead. Tables in use:
- T5v5a job code
- T5v5b connection between job code and job
- T5VPPS_TMA PA/PS to report/not report for hourly employees
- RPDLGA20, kl.14_01 wage types for hourly employees.
- T5V5M result table holding all previous reporting since last status
- For Public Sector use job code = job in T5V5A, and T5V5B would then have
job and cob code=job Example The codes are stored in the following structure: 1210 153 01.01.2000 31.12.9999 RIKSANTIKVAR 1210 154 01.01.2000 31.12.9999 OLJEDIREKTØR 1210 155 01.01.2000 31.12.9999 KONSERNDIREKTØR Standard_setup The standard is delivered with all possible job codes. Recommendation It will be more convenient to only store the job codes used in yourcompany. Ask SSB for support in deciding which codes are relevant foryour use, and delete the obsolete codes from the table. If you do so,store the table content before an upgrade and before applying an HRSP(LCP) containing table entries from T5V5A.. Further notes You can upload the 'yrkeskoder' form the internet using report RPUYRKV0.The report is situated in the Norwegian menu under the label 'Upload ofyrkeskoder', found on path Subsequent activities ->Period-independent -> Other>. Please refer to the documentationallocated to the report for further information.Features Selection
- All standard HR selections are accessible on the selection screen. We
however recommend you to use either company code or explicitly selectedpersons for your selection.
- You select status or løpende meldingsgang using the radio buttons.
- You select the Legal org. number (juridisk nummer):
This legal organisation number of a company defines the legal entity ofthe company. Each company has only one legal organization number.Norwegian term: "juridisk nummer".
- Rundate is per default "today", but can be changed as needed. However,
if a rundate is chosen which lays before the rundate of an updatedreport run, only test run is possible due to data consistency reasons.Even if you start the report in update mode, no temse is created and notable update is done.
- Hourly paid employees:Working Hours from IT2002:>
Attendance Types - Select the relevant attendance type for theemployee's main position. Note The attendance types that you maintain for hourly paid employees underCustomizing for Time Management> --> Time Data Recording andAdministration> --> Attendances/ Actual Working Times> -->Define Attendance Types> is available for selection here.
- You select the Test run (no update) >check box as a default, which
means that no update is done.Output Test mode: A list of the data to be reported is presented, with thecorresponding personnel numbers. Please verify the contents of this listwith your master data before starting the report in update mode. Thislist is also presented when running the report in update mode. Update mode: When running in update mode, the report creates a TemSefile named HR_LAAMVS_xxx for a status run and HR_LAAMVL_xxx for løpendemeldinger (xxx is a counter). Please use transaction PC00_M20_LTEM(report RPLTEMV0) to create a file on your frontend or applicationserver of the corresponding TemSe file. This file can be sent to RTV. Internally, all messages sent to RTV is stored on database table T5V5M.This table consists of all messages for all persons selected for theperiod between the last Statuskontroll and the current rundate. Pleasenotice that this message table is refreshed when running astatuskontroll in update mode (all existing entries are deleted and repl aced with the new status records). Activities
- Import the customizing neccessary for triggering the dynamic event as
described in the AA-registeret release note. The new entries in tableT588Z must be imported form client 000. Please check for interferencewith already existing dynamic events if you have implemented customerspecific dynamic events.
- Ensure that yrkeskoder (job codes) are maintained for all employees. We
recommend you to contact SSB for questions on how to handle the (immensenumber of) yrkeskoder in your company. For public sector customers, theposition code is used, and not job codes from SSB.
- RTV is interested in average, planned working hours for each salaried
employee. Be sure to insert the according number of hours in PlannedWorking Time> (0007) infotype. For hourly employees, hours fromEmployee Remuneration Info> (IT2010) infotype is read, andcompared to average limit of 4 weekly hours, to decide if to bereported.
- Entry date (Ansatt-dato) is per default read as the first entry action
(IT0000) of a person. If you use other information sources for the entrydate like IT 0041 or IT0016, please customize this using feature"ENTRY". This only applies if you do not want the system to read IT0000 forfinding the entry date. Customizing You can also customize view table. Via the job key in the organizationalassignment, the yrkeskode (job code) is read. Each job key must beassigned to a job code in table T5V5B, which is accessed via maintenanceview V_T5V5B. Temporary Agreement codes (T5VPPS_TMA) table needs to bemaintained with the PA/PSA to report/not report for hourly employees.Table RPDLGA20, kl.14_01 need to be maintained for wage types for hourlyemployees. Note For public sector other rules apply, and they are reporting publicsector position code instead.
- If you want the report to read the attendance details of hourly paid
employees, ensure that you maintain theSolution Change-OverDate (Norway)> (20SOL) feature. Based on the return date that youmaintain in this feature for Change type 003,> the report readsthe working hours for the hourly employee's main position. We suggestthat you do not maintain the return date for Change type 003> fordata that you have already submitted to authorities in the past.