Purpose The program ASSEDIC statement for occasional labor in theentertainment sector>> (RPLAAIF2) is used to issue the monthly Activ ities form that come under appendices 8 and 10 to the unemploymentinsurance regulations. In addition to the employee and the company, this statement containsinformation on the work for the month and for the contract considered. The program supports an automated output certified by UNEDIC for thisform.Prerequisites
- The address of the establishment must be set in the activity
Employer Addresses> in the implementation guide.The relevant keys are: A : name or corporate name of the company B : name of the establishment C : street of the establishment D : postal code and city G : telephone no. H : fax no. J : legal form of the company P : activity of the employer
- To store the initial statement number, you must create the infotype
Contract elements> (0016) for each contract.
- Cluster splits must exist as soon as an employee benefits from several
contracts during the same month.
- You must have wage types containing
the gross salary before deductions for occupational fees The number of hours worked in the field Amount>> (BETRG) the number of fees stored in the field Number >>(ANZHL) ofthe wage type the number of days worked in the field Amount>> (BETRG) the contributions for unemployment insurance and the guarantee forsalaries, for which the calculation base corresponds to the gross salaryafter deduction of occupational fees and is stocked in the fieldNumb er > (ANZHL)Integration This program must be initiated each month after execution of the payrollfor employees coming under appendices 8 and 10. Features Selection In addition to the personnel number and the payroll period, enter thisinformation into the following tabs: Statement>
- the certification number accorded by UNEDIC
- if the checkbox Generate statement no. >is marked, the order
number of the statement is automatically incremented for each statementissued. The system automatically updates this order number on each newform issued. Otherwise this order number is replaced by the term TEST>>.
- if necessary, indicate the name of the layout variant
- information on the employer
- information on the signatory of the statement
Employee/Work carried out>
- the employee's relationship to the employer, if such a relationship
- enter the payroll wage types containing the gross salary before
deduction of occupational fees