Title ASSEDIC statement for occasional labor in the entertainment sector. Use The ASSEDIC statement is an compulsory document supplied by the companyto the occasional worker at the end of his work contract, whatever thereason for this termination may be. In addition to the identities of the employee and the company, thestatement contains information on the termination of the contract andpension funds. It also outlines the 5 previous employment periods. Prerequisites In order to be processed, the occasional worker must have been subject to a leaving action: switch from active status (stat2 = 3) to inactivestatus (stat2 <> 3) in the infotype Actions> (0000), a payroll for the leaving month (month of the final day of activity). The payroll periods for occasional workers are determined in accordancewith the entry and leaving personnel actions; The information contained in the statement is produced from basic dataand payroll data contained in the system, except for lists peculiar toASSEDIC.
- The "post occupied" field is determined using the infotype
Qualification and INSEE code> (0217).
- The personnel category of the employee is given by the FAAS3 feature,
depending on the status, the employee category and the contract type ofyour employees. The text is fixed by the ASSEDICs and adopted by theprogram, but the link between the status and the qualification code mustbe set by the user.