SAP Program RPIUNIVP - Reversing hike in pay for non-accepting unions

Reversing Hike in Pay for Non Accepting Unions report (RPIUNIVP)

This report is used for employees belonging to the a particular union.Sometimes, when the company gives an increment to the employees, theunion may not agree to the increment. But the increment has already beenupdated in the system. In this case, you can run this report to:

  • Reverse the increment. You must run the report for reversal of increment
  • on the same day on which the increment has been updated in the system.
    • Accept the increment at a later date when the union accepts the
    • increment. You can run this report with the increment to be effectivefrom the day on which you run the report or any future date. But youcannot run the report with the increment to be effective from a date inthe past.
      The report will reverse or accept the increment for both, the mainposition and the additional position of the employee.
      You have been provided with the following deduction model wage types toreverse the increments:
      • Diff(rev of inc) for
      • IT 8 wage type (PS10) - For the main position of the employee.
        • Dif(rev of inc)for
        • IT 509 wage type (PS11) - For the additional position of theemployee.
          Reversal of increment
          The system creates a new:
          • Basic Pay infotype (0008) record for the employee, adding the
          • Diff(rev of inc) for IT 8 wage type (PS10) with the otherexisting wage types in the record. The value of Diff(rev of inc) forIT 8 wage type (PS10) is the value of the annual salary wage typebefore increment minus the value of the annual salary wage type afterincrement.
            • Activity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record for the
            • employee, adding the Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type (PS11)with the other existing wage type in the record. Subsequently, thesystem also creates a new Recur. Payments/Deds. infotype (0014)record with the Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type (PS11). Thevalue of Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type (PS11) is the valueof the additional position annual salary wage type before incrementminus the value of the additional position annual salary wage type afterincrement.
              Acceptance of increment
              The system creates a new:
              • Basic Pay infotype (0008) record for the employee, removing the
              • Diff(rev of inc) for IT 8 wage type (PS10) from the record.
                • Activity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record for the
                • employee, reomoving the Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type(PS11) from the record. Subsequently, the system also delimits theexisting Recur. Payments/Deds. infotype (0014) record thatcontains the Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type (PS11).


                  • The system checks whether a Membership Fees infotype (0057)
                  • Union dues (V002) subtype record exists for the employee on thedate of running the report. If the record exists, the employee iseligible for a reversal or acceptance of increment.
                    • The system reads the annual salary wage types in the:

                    • Basic Pay infotype (0008) records of the employee beforeincrement and after increment, to calculate the value of the
                      Diff(rev of inc) for IT 8 wage type (PS10).
                      Activity with Higher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) records of theemployee before increment and after increment, to calculate the value ofthe Dif(rev of inc)for IT 509 wage type (PS11).


                      Key date tab

                      • For reversal of increment, select Today.

                      • For accpetance of incremant select Today or enter any other date
                      • in future.
                        Selection tab
                        • Select the employees for whom you want to run the report. If you do not
                        • select the employees, the system will automatically check for theeligible employees.
                          Select the Induce Difference indicator to reverse the increment.Select the Remove Difference indicator to accept the increment.
                          Test tab
                          • Select the Batch Input indicator, if you want the report to
                          • create a batch session. You can run this batch input session fromtransaction SM35 to update the system with the changes. Do notselect the indicator, if you want to run the report in a test mode.
                            • Enter the name of the batch input session.
                            • Output
                              The system lists the following details of employees for whom theinfotype records have changed:

                              • Personnel Number

                              • Infotype record that has been created or modified

                              • Pay Scale Type

                              • Pay Scale Area

                              • Pay Scale Group

                              • Pay Scale Level

                              • Position of the employee

                              • Wage type that has been added or removed

                              • Difference amount