Description Batch Input for Initialization of Infotype Fiscal Data NL> (0060) This report can be used to create a batch input session for personschanging from one tax class to another or persons who qualify forincreased compensatory allowance (also referred to as premium transferallowance [OT]. The change is effective as of the start date for the 'selection periodinfotype 60', default 01.01.1998. In order to change the tax class youmust enter both the old and the new tax class. When selecting personsfor increased compensatory allowance the calculation table default'green' can be used as extra criterion. Initialization is executed by running the batch input session createdby this report. It is always possible to recreate and run a sessionagain and in this way recreate records from infotype Fiscal Data NL >.Precondition Persons are not allowed more than one valid infotype 0060 in 'selectionperiod infotype 60'. Output |