BEGIN OF UPDATEDescription If you have chosen indirect valuation of basic pay, only the valuationfor the specified date (or a substitute date) is displayed. Indirectlyvaluated wage types for basic pay are flagged as 'I'. Report RPITUM00 checks the parameters in view V_T510U (Pay ScaleGroups) for the pay scale group/level, and creates the appropriateBasic pay> (0008) record (according to the settings in thecustomizing system). For information on how to set up pay scalereclassification, please read the IMG section entitledPay scale reclassification>. Report description ------------------ Pay scale reclassification must be carried out for entire periods(01/01/199xx - 12/31/19xx). Report RPITUM00 reads the basic pay and checks whether view V_T510Ucontains a valid entry for the report period. The entries in viewV_T510U contain parameters that are important for pay scalereclassification: - increase based on age, in years (YY) - increase based on seniority, in years/months (YYMM) - subsequent pay scale group (valuation according to other pay scale classification) - subsequent pay scale level As well as being able to implement reclassification according to age orseniority (in the sense of length of service for pay scaleclassification), you can also perform pay scale classification for allemployees on one key day, by entering the desired key date in thePay scale classification on key date> field. The entry in the Next increase> field in the Basic Pay>infotype (0008) overrides entries in the customizing system. If pay scale reclassification is implemented for one of the abovereasons, a new basic pay record is created in a batch for the specifieddate. The reclassification method that was used can be seen in the reportlog. The list also contains notes which aid the administrator in processing. Additional reclassification variants for the German chemical industrypay scale: Three reclassification variants have been provided for changes in thecollective agreement for the German chemical industry. These additional reclassification variants are defined in fields'LGA01' and 'LGA02' of view V_T510U: Variant 1: INSERT The field 'LGA01' contains the wage type to be inserted Variant 2: DELETE The field 'LGA02' contains the wage type to be delimited Variant 3: REPLACE The field 'LGA01' contains the wage type to be created The field 'LGA02' contains the wage tpye to be delimited Important: If a pay scale increase falls on the same day as a pay scale reclassification, the reclassification must be implemented before the increase (report RPITRF00>. This ensures that the most current data is used for the pay scale increase. In this case, implement the pay scale reclassification using an event. You must also enter this event when performing the pay scale increase. List layout ----------- Header: - personnel number of the employee, - employee's name formatted according to national regulations, (function module: RP_EDIT_NAME in V_T522N/T522F) - company code, personnel area and subarea of employee, - employee group and subgroup, - employee subgroup grouping for collective agreement provisions - employee's date of birth (or the technical date of birth in the Date specificatons> (0041) infotype The employee is assigned his/her current pay scale group. The parameters of view V_T510U appear in the middle of the screentogether with the pay scale classification: - increase based on age (YY) and - increase based on seniority (YYMM). If a pay scale reclassification is implemented on the basis of masterdata (basic pay) and the entry in view V_T510U, the message "New basicpay record created" and the new basic pay data is displayed at thebottom of the screen. If an error occurs, a message is displayed that helps you to perform checks. Employees in pay scale groups that are not automatically reclassifiedare not displayed. If the report is run in batch, the total number of screens, the name ofthe batch input session, and the lock date are logged and displayed atthe end of the list. If you have marked the 'Keep batch input session'checkbox, the report displays an additional message.Note Personnel numbers are listed in ascending order. |