Description You can use the Pay Scale Reclassification> report to create newbasic pay records for your employees for pay scale reclassification.According to the generation type specified in the report selectionscreen, you can decide whether to:
- create the new basic pay records immediately
- generate a batch input session which you can process later
- display only a list of the proposed pay scale reclassifications.
The following types of reclassification are supported in the standard: The reclassification comes into effect on the date of the next increasein the Basic Pay infotype (0008). This date has priority over all otherreclassification types. The pay scale reclassification comes into effect on the key datespecified in the report selection screen. In customizing, you can specify how long an employee must be a memberof a particular pay scale group/level before a pay scalereclassification can be made. You also define how old the employee must be for a relcassification incustomizing. In customizing, you specify a value limit for working hours. Afterhaving completed this number of hours, a reclassification is made. Youcan only use this type of reclassification if you work with the timeevaluation driver RPTIME00, and have customized the personnelcalculation rule which fills the variable balances in cluster B2. The standard program in the delivery system determines the earliestpossible date for the next pay scale reclassification on the basis ofall the standard reclassification types.Precondition The report reads your employee's basic pay data and checks whetherthere is a relevant entry for the pay scale reclassification during thereport selection period in the Pay Scale Reclassification> view.The entries in the view contain parameters which are relevant to payscale reclassification:
- the employee's age (in years)
- the membership period of a pay scale group/level (in months)
- the number of hours worked
- the target pay scale group/level following reclassification.
For further information on setting up pay scale reclassification,please see the section on Pay Scale ReclassificationBased on Hours Worked> in the Implementation Guide for PersonnelAdministration.Output You can use the Organizational units> button on the reportselection screen to define a sort sequence for the report log accordingto aspects of the employee's organizational assignment. Regardless of the selected generation type, the report log is dividedinto the following three parts: RESET N1 The list header to display: the chosen report selection period, and any pay scale reclassifications which lie outside of the reportselection period (if the report parameters determine that these shouldbe included in the evaluation). The list in tabular form showing the following information: data on the employee; name and personnel number of the employee beingreclassified the wage level to which the employee is currently assigned, and thestart and delimited end date of the existing basic pay record the type of reclassification determined by the report the basic data on the new basic pay record, i.e. the new pay scalegroup/level, the reclassification date, and the end date of the newrecord. If an error occurs, the relevant errors will be offered for display inthe form of a list. If you have selected to create a batch input session as the generationtype, you can click the Batch input> button to branch straight tobatch input processing where you can process the session. You can display a history of the existing data on payments anddeductions by selecting the relevant lines in the list, and choosingPayments and deductions>.