Description Purpose of the report: You can use report RPISVRD0 to recalculate the maximum HI gross amount,(HI max) stored in the SI infotype. You can then add it as a new SIinfotype record, if the gross assessment amount for health insurancechanges, or if there is an change in the pension. You can do this in abatch-input. Pensioners, for whom this adjustment of the maximum gross amount is notallowed (according to the health insurance company), can be excluded byusing the lock attribute. Normally these are multiple claimants. In which case, you enter lockattribute 22 (multiple benefits). However, since there are exceptions,the SI attribute 28 is set as a special lock attribute, which must beset in addition to the SI attribute 22 for multiple claimants. Before using the report, general infomation about the HI-maximum amountmust first be explained. General: The HI-maximum amount is calculated from the difference between theincome threshhold for health insurance and the statutory pension thatthe employee receives. This HI-maximum amount is important for pensioners who receive anothercompany pension, or other compulsory health insurance amounts inaddition to the statutory pension. If the total of the pension amount paid by the company exceeds theHI-maximum amount, only the health insurance contribution is paid fromthe HI-maximum amount. Examples Health Insurance income threshold 1994: 5.700,- DM Statutory pension: 2.000,- DM =========== HI-maximum amount: 3.700,- DM =========== Assumption: A pensioner receives a company pension of: a) 2.000,- DM b) 4.000,- DM Since the HI-maximum amount is DM 3.700,-, the total amount of DM2.000,- is subject to compulsory health insurance in example a). Inexample b), only the HI-maximum amount (that is, DM 3.700,- and not DM4.000,) is subject to compulsory health insurance. The remaining amount (DM 300,-) is not tax liable. Note: If a pension exceeds the income threshold (HI-max = 0), you mustenter the secondary attribute "multiple benefits" (=22) in the SIinfotype. Key date The HI-max-amount is usually subject to 2 changes: Date when the statutory pension is increased (on 01.07. each year) Date when the income threshold for the compulsory health insurance ischanged (on 01.01. each year) Effect of the changes The following formulas explain the calculation for both key dates. RESET N1 When the income threshold is increased on 1st January, the HI-maximumamount is increased by the difference between the previous and currentincome thresholds. Difference = new monthly income threshold (IT) - previous monthly IT New HI-max = Old HI-max + difference. If the statutory pension is increased on 1 July each year, the previousHI-maximum amount is deducted from the monthly income threshold. This remaining amount corresponds to the statutory pension amount. Thisstatutory amount is increased by the legally-determined adjustmentrate. This new pension is rounded up to 0,10 DM, and is then deductedfrom the monthly income threshold. This provides the new HI-maximumamount as of the key date. Statutory pension/old = monthly income threshold - HI-max/old Pension adjustment amount = legal pension/old * adjustment record Statutory pension/new = legal pension/old + pension adjustment amount HI-max/new = monthly income threshold - statutory pension/new Payroll constants Since the income thresholds and statutory pension adjustment ratesdiffer in the new and old Federal States, different payroll constantsare stored in table T511K: RESET N1 Income threshold constants KVBGJ = income threshold West KVBOJ = income threshold East Pension adjustments constants RVRWE = adjustment rate West RVROE = adjustment rate East You must update these payroll constants in the table T511K for the keydate, as soon as they are made available. To do this, delimit theprevious year's constants to the day before the key date, and then addthe latest date as the end date for the new constants. For example, RVRWE old: valid from 01.07.1991 - 30.06.1992 RVRWE new: valid from 01.07.1992 - 31.12.9999 Use of report: To be certain that you make the correct changes to the HI-max-amountwhen specifying the key date, you should first run the report for onepersonnel number with this key date, choosing modus L=list. If no change to the HI-max-amount is planned for the key date entered,you receive notification of this. After the entry, a list displays allrelevant changes to the HI-maximum amount as of the key date. Choose the exact time when the changes should be made. Enter this timeas key date after restarting the report, and enter all personnelnumbers in mode L. Information is displayed in the list for each pensioner. The followinginformation is listed in the first line:
- Personnel number
- Name of employee
- Date and amount of the last HI-maximum entry
By entering the old HI-maximum amount and its date, you can checkwhether date changes were taken into account. The next lines display the date and amount of the recalculated HI-maximum entries. By specifying all recalculated HI-maximum amounts, you can see to whatextent a pension adjustment, or a change in the assessment threshold,affects the current HI-maximum amount. In this way, all the SI infotype entries made after the entered timeperiod are taken into account. In each line, you can see which income thresholds (column "IT") andwhich pension adjustment (column "PA") were used for the employee (Eastor West). If errors or unusual features occur during the evaluation, thisemployee is displayed in an overview. This error list shows which error must be checked for which personnelnumbers. Persons on the error list are not considered in thebatch-input run. When you start the report for the last time, you can change theHI-maximum amount for these personnel numbers using mode B(=batch-input) or mode S (=spool). If you want to see how the batch-input run affects the SI infotype,choose mode T (= test-batch-input). The changed or newly added SI infotypes are stored in the batch-inputsession. You can run this with transaction SBDC
- For this report, the following parameters are useful:
Personnel number Status parameter Company code/plant,.... Employee group/subgroup Payroll area and the last four report-specific parameters.
- You always receive the list of all HI-maximum amount change-times, as
of the key date, after the error list has been issued. In this way, the type of change is documented and a note on thepossible change-times is issued.Note The list created by the report gives an overview of all the changes toan employee's HI-maximum amount. The list is sorted according tocompany code and plant. A new page is started for each change. When the list is created, the key date and mode are also issued. Inthis way, you can document the status before the batch-input run, andthe changes of the SI infotype after the batch-input run. BEGIN OF UPDATE Parameter B_INPUT Selection of actions to be carried out. Definition Various actions are carried out using this parameter: L: Display list: A list is displayed that contains the last HI-maximum amount, beforethe chosen key date. All changed or added HI-maximum amounts aredisplayed after the key date. In addition, all constants from table T511K that have led to a changein the HI-maximum amount, are listed. Finally, an error list is issued. B: Batch-input: A batch-input session is created that contains the changed ornewly-added SI infotypes, with their new HI-maximum amounts. T: Test of the batch-input run: Screens, that were stored in a batch-input session in the BTCI session,are displayed for test purposes. Parameter MAPNAME Batch-input session name Definition Use this session name to find your batch-input session.. Parameter KEYDATE Key date for changing the maximum HI gross amount Definition The pension adjustment or income-threshold change planned for this dayis used to calculate a new HI-maximum amount. The key date mustcorrespond exactly to one of the change-times listed above. If you enter a key date for which no change is planned, you receive awarning message and a list of the change-times stored in table T511K. Parameter V_LISTE Logging for batch-input Definition There are 2 possibilities with this parameter: "X": Parameter is selected "_": Parameter is not selected Use If the parameter is selected, the list that is issued by entering "L"for the parameter "List L / Batch input B", is also issued for a batchinput run. In this way, all changes created during the batch-input runare logged. If this parameter is not selected, no list is issued during thebatch-input run.