Purpose Due to changes in the 55th amendment of the General Social InsuranceLaw, part-time employees and part-time employees with flat-rate paymust be reregistered with the social insurance agencies. After inplementing the new payroll groups (A2m, A2n, D2m, D2n, L2 andM2), a change in the names of the payroll groups for part-timeemployees with flat-rate pay occurred (N62). With this report you can perform the following functions:
- Convert the payroll groups for the part-time employees and part-time
employees with flat-rate pay in the master data for a payroll year.
- Create the conditions with which you can reimburse the contributions of
your part-time employees and part-time employees with flat-rate paythrough the contribution statement and the contibution basenotification. For this, the report creates abatch input session> thatyou can reach and then run using the following menu path: System>-> Services> -> Batch input> -> Process>.Prerequisites In order to run the report, you must specify a payroll year in theselection screen:
- If the specified payroll year corresponds with the current payroll
year, the report checks the status of payroll (in the control record)for payroll period 11 to ensure that it at least has the status Endof payroll>. If this is not the case, the report creates a log entryand cancels processing.