Title Pay Scale Reclassification Due to Change in Job Code> report(RPISTLVP)Purpose A Position> of an employee is linked to a Job Code>. Thesalary structure for a Job Code> is maintained in Organizational> infotype (transaction PO03) Planned Compensation > subtype. The Position> is linked to a Job Code> in theOrganizational> infotype (transaction PO13) Relationships>subtype. There can be a change in the Job Code> for a Position> inOrganizational> infotype (transaction PO13) Relationships>subtype. For all employees belonging to this Position>, the reportcreates a:
- New Basic Pay> infotype (0008) record with the updated salary
- New Activity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509) record with
the updated Job Code> and subsequently the updated salarystructure. Subsequently, the report also creates a correspondingRecur. Payments/Deds.> infotype (0014) record with the updatedsalary for the employee. Typically, this report is run whenever you change the Job Code>for a Position>. Following are the rules for change in the pay scale structure of anemployee due to change in the Job Code> for a Position>:
- When the change is from one wage frame to another wage frame
Old Pay Scale Group lies within the permissible limits of the Pay ScaleGroup for the new Job Code> In this case, the Pay Scale Group does not change. The system reads thetable view Pay Scale Groups> (V_T510U) for the next Pay ScaleLevel, if the employee is eligible for a change in Pay Scale Level dueto seniority. Old Pay Scale Group does not lie within the permissible limits of thePay Scale Group for the new Job Code> In this case, change the Pay Scale Group and Pay Scale Level manually.
- When the change is from a wage frame to a Spenn
In this case, Pay Scale Group changes to Spenn and the Pay Scale Levelchanges to the lower limit of the Pay Scale Level range for the newSpenn Job Code>.
- When the change is from a Spenn to a wage frame
In this case, change the Pay Scale Group and Level manually. The systemcan change the Pay Scale Level, by reading the table view Pay ScaleGroups> (V_T510U), if the employee is eligible for a change in PayScale Level due to seniority.
- When the change is from a Spenn to a Spenn
Old Pay Scale Level lies within the permissible limits of the Pay ScaleLevel for the new Job Code> In this case, the Pay Scale Level does not change. Old Pay Scale Level >is lower than the lower limit of the PayScale Level range for the new Job Code> In this case, Pay Scale Level changes to the lower limit of the new PayScale Level range. Old Pay Scale Level >is higher than the upper limit of the PayScale Level range for the new Job Code> In this case, change the Pay Scale Level manually.Integration
- The system reads the Organizational> infotype (transaction PO13)
Relationships> subtype for the Positions> that haveundergone changes in Job Codes>.
- The system reads Organizational> infotype (transaction PO03)
Planned Compensation> subtype for the salary structure of old andnew Job Codes>.
- The system reads Organizational Assignment> infotype (0001) for
the old and new main Position> of the employee.
- The system reads the Basic Pay> infotype (0008), for the main
Position>, the old pay structure of the employee.
- The system reads Activity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509)
for the: Old and new additional Position> of the employee Old pay structure for the additional Position> of the employee
- The system reads the table view Pay Scale Groups> (V_T510U) for
the next Pay Scale Level, if the employee is eligible for a change inPay Scale Level due to seniority.
- The system reads the table view Pay Scale Groups> (V_T510) for the
new salary if there is a change in the Pay Scale Level of the employee.Features Selection Key Date> ,,tab
- Select the period for which you want to run this report.
Selection> tab
- Select the employees for whom you want to run the report.
- You can enter the Job Code, if you want to further filter the employee
selection. Test> tab
- Select the Batch input> indicator, if you want the report to
create a batch session. You can run this batch input session fromtransaction SM35> to update the system with the changes. Do notselect the indicator, if you want to run the report in a test mode.
- Enter the name of the batch input session.
- Manual> tab
The system lists employees with the Positions> and other details,for whom the Basic Pay> infotype (0008) record or the Activitywith Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509) have to be updated manually.
- Auto> tab
The system lists the employees with the Positions> and otherdetails, for whom the Basic Pay> infotype (0008) record or theActivity with Higher Rate of Pay> infotype (0509) have to beupdated by the system. If you have selected the Batch input> indicator of the Test>tab in the selection screen: - The system creates a batch input session. When you run this batchinput session from transaction SM35>, the system updates theinfotypes with the required changes. If you have not> selected the Batch input> indicator of theTest> tab in the selection screen: - The system displays the result on the screen but will not update thesystem with the changes.Example Old Job Code,,New Job Code,,Old Pay Structure,,New Pay Structure,,Valuein infotype 0008 or 0509,,Change in infotype 0008 or 0509 0032,,0033,,G:Alt01-Alt10, L:21-49,,G:Alt01-Alt15, L:20-50,,G:Alt02,L:23,,G:Alt02, L:23,, 0032,,0033,,G:Alt01-Alt10, L:21-49,,G:Alt01-Alt15, L:25-50,,G:Alt02,L:23,,G:Alt02, L:as per seniority,, 0032,,0033,,G:Alt01-Alt10, L:21-49,,G:SPENN, L:23-50,,G:Alt02, L:23,,G:SPENN, L:23,,,, 0032,,0033,,G:SPENN, L:23-50,,G:Alt01-Alt10, L:21-49,,G:SPENN, L:23,,G:Handle manually, L:as per seniority,, 0032,,0033,,G:SPENN, L:23-50,,G:SPENN, L:25-55,,G:SPENN, L:24,, G:SPENN,L:25,, Note: G = Pay Scale Group, L = Pay Scale Level