- selection period
- Personnel Number
- employment state
- company
- payment class
- personnel resource area / office / cost centre
- status / employee type
Processing criteria
By analysing the date of the next pay scale jump, the current paymentclass compared to the previous year's class, and the values of the wagetypes and the corresponding tables, the pay scale jump procedurecreates new records for infotype 0008, whose validity period starts onthe first valid day of the month processed.
As a consequence, the process goes on with the updating of infotype0008.
The master data used for the whole process are the ones valid duringthe month preceding the processing date, while the table elements arethe same as the processing month.
The above mentioned process is included in a specific menu, and itprecedes the calculation of the normal and additional monthly pay.
For a complete use of the requisites required by the pay scale jumpprocess it is necessary to determine the employment level in infotype0008 and the level of master data for each employee (office worker,executive employee etc.).
The data to be entered in the system are the ones available in infotype0159 (Pay scale jumps).
These data should then be analysed by report RPISCAI0, which calculatesthe amount increase. Such amount is used in order to complete thepayment operation for the employee and maintain the date of thesubsequent pay scale jump, the number of pay scale jumps and the payscale jump percentage from the corresponding tables.
In case of revaluations, the report RPISCAI0 should be carried out foreach month in question.
Main program:
Reading of selected employees through logical database PNP.
Reading of infotype 0001 - Organizational assignment (current andprevious month) in order to check possible employee type/statuschanges.
Reading of infotype 0002 - Individual data in order to obtain employeename and surname.
Reading of infotype 0007 - Planned working time in order to obtain thework percentage.
Reading of infotype 0008 - Basic pay (current and previous month) inorder to check possible employee category/level changes.
Reading of infotype 0155 - Additional administrative data in order toobtain pay scale jump accrual.
Reading of infotype 0159 - Pay scale jump due to age (current andprevious month) in order to have seniority data on line.
Reading of table T5ITFT- Earmarking code with key:
Client from system table SYST-MANDT
Agreement type from infotype 0008 P0008-TRFAR
Agreement area from infotype 0008 P0008-TRFGB
Earmarking code from infotype 0155 P0155-CDACC
Reading of table T5ITST with key:
client from system table SYST-MANDT
pay scale jump ID from infotype 0159 P0159-COSCA
Control of the presence of the pay scale jump valuation indicator intable T5ITSV. Reading of the table with the following key:
client from system table SYST-MANDT
valuation ID from table T5ITST T5ITSV-TPVAL
Reading of the table determining the pay scale jump calculation rulesaccording to regulations:
client from system table SYST-MANDT
agreement type from infotype P0001-TRFAR
agreement area " P0001-TRFGB
qualification from table T503-TRFKZ
category/level from infotype P0008-TRFGR
sublevel " P0008-TRFST
PSJ valuation ID from table T5ITSV-TPVAL
pay scale jump type GENERIC
NOTE: As the field 'Pay scale jump type' is a piece of information notincluded in the master, it is necessary to search with a partial key.
Loading of wage type values from infotype 0008 for current and previousmonth.
Category shift control.
Reading of the corresponding tables; for pay scale jump valuation ID(from T5ITST) included between:
10-19 = it processes percentage based PSJ - table T5ITS1
20-29 = it processes amount based PSJ table T5ITS2
30-39 = it processes amount based PSJ - table T5ITS
40-49 = it processes percentage (up to 6/99)
/amount based PSJ (as in case of blocked
and conventional PSJ) - table T5ITS4
50-59 = it processes category based PSJ - table T5ITS5
70 = it processes normal insurance increases - table T5ITS6
71 = it processes insurance increases for
managing staff - table T5ITS7
80-89 = it processes fidelity insurance increases - table T5ITS8
If there is a category shift:
20-29 = if valuation based on the previous month is required from
table T5ITS2 -> reading of tables valid in the previous
30-39 = the number of pay scale jumps accrued is recalculated by
dividing the PSJ amount already accrued by the amount of the
PSJ of the new category;
40-49 = pay scale jump freeze is carried out as described below:
The system checks the existence of the wage type to be frozen: if itdoes not exist, no freeze is carried out;
It searches the employee category for the previous month in the fieldsCategory of source in table T5ITS4: if it does not exist, no freeze iscarried out;
It determines the amount to be frozen through the wage type coded intable T5ITS4 and sets this wage type to zero;
It sets the number of current, blocked and conventional pay scale jumpsto zero in infotype 0159;
If field "Freeze sign" is = '-' the system deducts the amount whichshould not be frozen from the amount to be frozen;
If field "Freeze sign" is = ' ' the amount which should not be frozenis not considered;
It determines the amount of the wage type to be frozen through thepercentage coded in table T5ITS4;
It changes the date of the next pay scale jump.
Previous/accrued revaluation:
-> check of pay scale jump accrual from table T5ITFT:
-> if there is no accrual the date of the subsequent pay scale
jump is shifted of a month forward;
-> if there is accrual, this takes place if we are in the pay scale
jump accrual month; in this case there is no revaluation;
-> it checks from table T5ITS2 if percentage calculation is required:
-> if it is required, the percentage amount accrued on
part-time included in ifotype 0007 is taken into account;
-> otherwise you add 1; the amount accrued is available in
field "Part-time perc./24th" of infotype 0159.
-> check of pay scale jump accrual from table T5ITFT:
-> if there is no accrual the date of the next pay scale jump is
shifted of a month forward;
-> if there is accrual, this takes place if we are in the pay scale
jump accrual month; in this case no revaluation takes place;
-> search for pay scale jump wage type and revaluation according to the
number of pay scale jumps previously accrued multiplied by the
monthly percentage on the calculation base of infotype 0008
concerning the previous month.
Currently there are no restrictions.
Criteria for output generation:
The output is ordered by Personnel Number.
For each employee the system outputs the possible modifications thebatch input session should carry out on infotype data.
The output of this report can consist in a change of the (insurance)increase plan or a change of the wage type values in the base pay ininfotype 0008; in infotype 0159 the change deriving from the batchinput session is the change of date of the subsequent increase and thechange of the number or increase percentage.
The program RPISCAI0 calculates the seniority increases in the italianpayroll.
This report generates (when it is needed) a batch input session thatcan update both info-types 0008 and 0159.
The report must be executed before running the payroll; if there is aretrocalculation, the report must be run again for each period forwhich a retrocalculation is foreseen.
RPISCAI0 has basically the following process steps:
Select pers. No and Read data ->
Evaluate increases:
if there is a reclassification, perform some activity;
perform the activities of the revaluation of the amount alreadyincreased;
if the increase is due this month then the corrisponding wage types aregenerated;
Prepare the batch input session and write a summary list for the user.
The seniority calculation is performed reading from info-type 0008 thepay scale type and the pay of the employee, from info-type 0159 thenumber percentage of the increases accrued till the moment ofcalculation.
Selection Criterias:
- Selection Period (Periodo di selezione)
- Personal Number (C.I.D.)
- Occupation Status (Stato occupazione)
- Society (Società)
- Payment Class (Classe retributiva)
- Human Resouces Area (Area R. U. / Sede / Centro di costo)
- Status / Employee Kind (Status / Tipo Dipendente)
Working criterias
The seniority procedure, analizing the Next Increase Date, the actualPayment Class compared to the previous one and the values of wage-types with the related tables, creates new records for IT0008 that haveperiod of validity beginning on first valid day of the processingmonth.
Consequently the process goes on with the updating of of IT0008.
The personal data used for the entire process are those valid in themonth that come before the data pr ocessing while the table elementsare the same of the processing month.
The process mentioned above is inserted in an ad hoc menù and precedesthe computation of the normal monthly payment and additional ones.
To manage completely the requirements of the Seniority process isnecessary to define the personal data level for each employee.
The data to store are those present in IT0159-Seniority.
These data must be interpreted by report RPISCAI0 that obtains theIncrease Amount.
This amount is used in order to complete the payment and to update theNext Increase Date, the Increase Number and the Increase Percentagestarting from related tables. If revaluation are present, the reportRPISCAI0 must be executed for each interested month.
Main Program:
Browsing of employees selected with PNP logical Database.
- Reading INFOTYPE 0001 - Organisational allocation (current and previous
month) to verify possible changes in employee's type/status.
- Reading INFOTYPE 0002 - Personal data to obtain employee's name and
- Reading INFOTYPE 0007 - Theoretical working hours to obtain worked
- Reading INFOTYPE 0008 - Retribution basis (current and previous month)
to verify possible changes in employee's type/status.
- Reading INFOTYPE 0155 - Additional administrative data to obtain the
accrual of the increase.
- Reading INFOTYPE 0159 - Seniority Increases (current and previous
month) to have the seniority data on line.
- Read table T5ITFT- Earmarking (accantonamento) code with key:
Client from system table SYST-MANDT
Contract type from infotype 0008 P0008-TRFAR
Agreement provision area from infotype 0008 P0008-TRFGB
Earmarking code from infotype 0155 P0155-CDACC
- Read table T5ITST with key:
client from system table SYST-MAND
Calculation of incr. code from infotype 0159 P0159-COSCA
- Read the table that defines the rules of calculation of the increase in
accordance with the rules:
Client from system table SYST-MANDT
payscale type from infotype P0001-TRFAR
payscale area " P0001-TRFGB
EE subgrouping for coll. agreement provision ("qualifica")
from table T503-TRFKZ
category/level from infotype P0008-TRFGR
sublevel " P0008-TRFST
calculation of incr. code from table T5ITSV-TPVAL
increase type GENERICAL
NOTE: As the field increase type is an information not present in thepersonal data, it will be necessary to execute a search with partialkey.
- Loading values wage type from Infotype 0008 current and previous month.
- Check of shift of category.
- Reading relevant tables; with calculation increase code (from T5ITST)
included among:
10-19 = increases in percentage with maximum limit table T5ITS1
20-29 = increases by amount with maximum limit table T5ITS2
30-39 = increases in amount/limit in divisible numbers T5ITS3
40-49 = elaborate increases in percentage (until 06/1999)/amount (as
in case of blocked and conventional scales)
50-59 = elaborate increases by category - table T5ITS5
70 = elaborate normal insurance increases- table T5ITS7
71 = elaborate insurance increases for
managing staff - table T5ITS7
80-89 = elaborate insurance increases fidelity - table T5ITS8
- If there is a category shift:
20-29 = if requested the calculation of previous month from table
T5ITS2, read tables valid on previous month;
40-49 = the system freezes the increases as described hereafter:
a) Verify existence of the Wage Type to freeze; if not
present there is no freeze;
b) Search employee's category on previous month in the field
of Category of Source in Table T5ITS4;
if not present there is no freeze;
c) Obtain the amount to freeze with Wage Type coded in table
T5ITS4 and the same is set to zero;
d) Current, Blocked, Conventional number of increases set to
zero in infotype 0159;
e) If field Freeze sign is equal to '-' you subtract the
amount not to be frozen from the amount to be frozen;
f) If field Freeze sign is equal to ' ' the amount not to
be frozen is not considered;
g) Obtain the amount of the WT to freeze with the
percentage coded in Table T5ITS4;
h) Shift the Date of next increase.
- Reassessment previous/matured:
-> check accrual of increase from Table T5ITFT:
-> if there is no accrual, the Date of next increase is shifted of
a month forward;
-> if there is accrual, we verify if we are in the month of accrual
of the increase: if yes we do not reassess;
-> verify in Table T5ITS2 if it is required the calculation in
-> if yes count the matured in percentage on part-time
present in Infotype 0007; otherwise sum 1; the matured is
present on the field 'Perc. Part-Time/24ths' of Infotype 0159.
-> check accrual of increase from Table T5ITFT:
-> if there is no accrual, the Date of next increase is shifted of
a month forward;
-> if there is accrual, the system checks whether we are in the
month of accrual of the increase: if yes we do not reassess;
-> search for the increase Wage Type and reassessment on the basis of
the number of the increases previously matured multiplied by
the percentage of the month on the calculation basis of Infotytpe
0008 of previous month.Requirements
No limitations at the moment.
Criterias for the Output Generation:
The output is ordered by Personal Number.
For each employee are displayed the possible modifications that thebatch input session will have to be made on infotype data.
The output of this report can be in info-type 0008 the change of thepayscale (insurance) or the modification of values of WTs in the basicpay;in info-type 0159 the change of the date of next increase and thechange in the number or percentage of the increases.
You can access the documentation of IMG by double-clicking on the textof the node itself.
Please log on into the transaction so70 (ML Italian);
Structure: simg_ohi
Language: italian
And choose Display.
By Dati calc.retr. -> Retribuzioni di base -> Anzianità (Scatti Italia)you will find your activities.
Double-click on the text and you will get the documentation.
You will find the step "Definire passaggi di categoria" with itsactivity starting with the HR SP listed on top.
Best regards
Nadia Gramegna