SAP Program RPIRRVA0 - BI Maintainance for Date Type Retro. Accnt. Previous Year IT0041

The report creates a batch input session for Date Specificationsinfotype (0041). When you process the created session, the date typefor retroactive accounting in previous years (default value AR)is saved to Date Specifications infotype(0041) for allemployees.
After you have saved the date type for retroactive accounting inprevious years to Date Specifications infotype (0041),retroactive accounting is automatically triggered if you made pay
ment-relevant, retroactive changes in the employee's master data.
If you calculated a period with the function Retroactive Accountingin Previous Years, you cannot carry out a correction run for thisperiod later. Therefore, perform regular retroactive accounting beforeyou use the function Retroactive Accounting in Previous Years.

With the feature Control Record for Retroactive Accounting inPrevious Years (
ARCAR), you can,if required, assign a year to each of your payroll areas. If yourun retroactive accounting for a payroll area that is in the previousyear (or other previous years), this retroactive accounting isprocessed as retroactive accounting in previous years.

How the report functions
While the system processes the created batch-input session, the currentrecord for Date Specifications infotype (0041) is appended. Therecord is NOT delimited.
For employees for whom a record for Date Specifications infotype(0041) does not yet exist, the batch input session creates an infotyperecord that only contains the date type Retroactive accounting inprevious years. These personnel numbers are listed separately in theresult list for the report. Personnel numbers for which 12 entries areregistered in Date Specifications infotype (0041) (this meansthat the infotype cannot be appended), are listed separately in theresult list for the report. You must process these numbers in a dialog.

Explanation of the report selection screen

  • Delete all existing ARs field

  • If you select this field, all date specifications of the date type forretroactive accounting in previous years (in the standard AR
    ) that have been saved in Date Specifications infotype (0041)are deleted. This occurs during the report run.
    If you have edited the featureARCAR, you mustselect this field.
    • Insert date type field

    • If you select this field, the date type that you entered in theDate type retro. accouting prev. yrs field is inserted into theDate Specifications infotype (0041) for all selected personnelnumbers. This occurs during the report run.

      For more information on the function Retroactive Accounting inPrevious Years, see Help -> SAP Library -> HumanResources
      -> Payroll -> PY-AT Payroll Austria -> NetAmounts -> Social Insurance -> Retroactive Accounting inPrevious Years.