Purpose This report creates pay scale reclassifications for employees inaccordance with the settings in the view V_T510_PSRCL (Pay ScaleReclassifications)>. You can import the generated data into the Basic Pay> infotype bybatch input or using transaction PA30 (Maintain HR Master Data>). Note> For information on setting up a pay scale reclassification, see theImplementation Guide (IMG) for Compensation Management>, underPay Scale Changes -> Pay Scale Reclassification>.Features The report reads the employees' basic pay, and checks whether a relevantentry exists in the view V_T510_PSRCL Pay Scale Groups> for thecorresponding pay scale classification in the reporting period. Theentries in the view contain the following parameters that are relevantto pay scale reclassifications:
- Age jump in years (YY)
- Length of time in pay scale in years and months (YYMM)
- Number of hours in pay scale group / level
If you want to use this type of reclassification, the prerequisites arethat you implement the time evaluation driver RPTIME00 and personnel cal culation rule Customizing to fill the variable balances in cluster B2.
- New pay scale group (evaluation according to other pay scale
- New pay scale level
In addition, as well as reclassifying according to age, number of hours(in the sense of length of time with a certain pay scaleclassification), and seniority (in the sense of length of time with acertain pay scale classification), you can perform a pay scalereclassification for all employees on a key date. To do that you enter akey date in the Pay Scale Reclassification> field. In the selected period there can be several reclassifications for oneemployee. If you save an entry in the Basic Pay> infotype (0008) in theNext Increase> field, it overrides Customizing entries that wouldtrigger an earlier reclassification. However, the SAP system still takesreclassifications after the increase into account. If one of the triggers for a pay scale reclassification occurs, the SAPsystem adds a new basic pay record to a batch input session on thecalculated date for the relevant method. Using the Business Add-In(BAdI) Business Add-In for Pay ScaleReclassification> you can make customer-specific adjustments to theway the system determines reclassifications. To find this BAdI, see the IMG for Compensation Management>, underPay Scale Changes -> Pay Scale Reclassification -> Pay ScaleReclassification - Enhancement -> Business Add-In for Pay ScaleReclassification>. You can see the corresponding reclassification method in the report log. Note> If a standard pay increase falls on the same day as a pay scalereclassification, the pay scale reclassification must always run beforethe standard pay increase (report). This guarantees that the currentbasic pay data is used for the standard pay increase. In this case,start the pay scale reclassification using an action. You must alsospecify this action when you run the standard pay increase.Output The system outputs the data using the ABAP List Viewer. If you doubleclick on an output line or choose Wage Types>, the system displaysthe detail view for a reclassification. Note> To display the detail view, you must first set the Detail Log>indicator on the selection screen under Control Parameters>. If you choose Messages> the system displays errors, warnings, andinformation generated during the program run.