Description This report enables you to completely delimit a garnishment, i.e., tochange the end date of the validity period to the specified date. Youcan specify this date in the Delimit with end date> field in theselection screen. If you leave this field empty the system will use thecurrent date as the delimitation date. Use the field Date for proposal if released> to choose whichgarnishments should be flagged to be delimited. The process is describedin more detail below. If you leave this field empty the system will usethe current date. You can use the field Status> to select the category(ies) ofgarnishments that you want to consider; for example, if you want todelimit only 'Inactive' or 'Released' garnishments. If you do notspecify a status, all garnishments are selected for furtherconsideration. Only garnishments that belong to the specified status are chosen to bein the list. A garnishment in the list which meets the followingcriteria is flagged to be delimited if: