Description Using report RPIPITD0, you can change (for example, delimit) allgarnishment infotypes. All infotypes that are valid from the validitystart period (parameter) to the latest date (31.12.9999) are taken intoaccount. The records are processed depending on the parameter 'type ofprocessing' and stored in a batch input session. In this way, you canexclude some infotypes. You can access, and run the batch input sessionthrough the initial menu. To do this, choose 'System' from the menulist. In the following pull-down menu, choose 'Services' -->'Batch-Input' --> 'Process'. Precondition You must enter the garnishment type and the number for the garnishment/cession. You can only create the batch-input session for a certaingarnishment/cession. Other required entry fields are 'type of processing','validity periodfrom' and 'name of batch input session' parameters. Output When a batch input session is created, you are informed how manygarnishment records are changed when the session is run. You receive alist of all infotypes (sometimes several), that were included in thesession. You are informed if infotypes were selected in the specified period,but were not then transfered to the session. This is the case forinfotypes that are garnishment-dependent (garnishment type A and number000), and with infotypes that you deliberately do not wish to take intoaccount (0113) or (0117). |