Description Employees liable to unrestricted income tax must submit their new taxcard to their employer before the start of the calendar year, inaccordance with §39b, Par.1 of the Income Tax Laws. Therefore, we recommend that you create a new tax record (that is, anew infotype 0012 record) for your employee each year. Use this report to do this: With this report you can generate new tax records that must be valid asof the date entered (generally, at the beginning of the year). In this way, all values from the old tax record are transferred, withthe exception of the following fields: Field is reset to.. ------------------------------------------------------------- Certificate period 01 Tax card not submitted X Reason for non-submission of tax card SPACE Date tax card "issued" SPACE All tax-exempt contributions 0,00 > If desired, you can reset other fields. For more information on this,refer to the outline point "Report description". Update the tax record, created with this report in the dialog, as soonas the employee submits their tax card. This report can not create a new tex record for employees who:
- Do not have a tax record for the date entered,
- Already have a tax record with the entered start date (usually, already
created in dialog),
- Already have a tax record with a start date later than the start date
entered (usually, already created in dialog).Legal basis:> Par. 39c Income Tax laws, A 124 Employment Tax Laws. Report description:> The report creates a batch input in the BTCI file under the chosenname. You must subsequently remove this. You can also issue a list with this report: You can display a list ofall persons for whom new tax records can (or cannot) be created. If you use this report to create new tax records for your employees,note the following: If desired, you can reset fields for special rules to the value SPACE,if certain special rules are no longer relevant for creating new taxrecords. You can enter a maximum of 2 special rules in the parameter "specialrules to be deleted". With this parameter, you can take possible future changes in the lawinto account when creating new tax records for your employees. If you delete the special rule "Berlin bonus", the field "childallowance for Berlin bonus" is also reset to SPACE. Parameter B_INPUT Selction of action to be carried out Definition Using this paramter, you can carry out various actions: L: Issue of lists: You can display a list of all persons for whom a new tax record is created for the specified validity date. You can display another list for those persons for whom no new tax record could be created. B: Batch input: A Batch input folder is created that contains the newly-added tax infotypes. Parameter MAPNAME Batch input file name Definition You use this file name to find your batch input file in the BTCI.