Purpose This report can be used to move data of existing records in infotypeSavings Schemes > (0854) if saving is taking place from specialpayments (field Saving SP is checked). The savings data of infotypeSavings Schemes > (0854) are moved from the 'Periodic saving'fields to the new 'Incidental saving' fields. The contents of thefollowing fields are moved to the new fields: Savings amount (BETRS) ,,,,,,,,-->,,,, Savings amount SP (BETRB) Employee Savings Percentage for Life-Course Savings Scheme (PCTWN) -->Employee Savings Percentage over SP for Life-Course Savings Scheme(PWNBB) First Savings Period (ZFPER ) ,,,,--> ,,First Savings Period for SpecialPayments (ESPBB) Amount for determining multiple payment times (ZANZL) --> Intervalbetween Savings Periods for Special Payments (INTBB) Savings Amount from Special Payments (LLUBB) --> Employer Contributionas Special Payment (FWGBB)Features Selection
- The conversion starts as of the conversion date on the selection screen.
This date cannot be before 01 January 2006.
- Current records as well as future records will be converted.
- It is possible to execute the report in background mode.
- Conversion takes place for both subtype Life-Course Savings Scheme
> (0001) as well as for Employee Savings Scheme> (0002).
- Conversion takes place for all records in the selection period (as of
the conversion date) which have the Savings Amount from SpecialPayments> (P0854-LLUBB) box ticked.Output The conversion of data is effected using a Batch Input Session. The report creates a detailed overview which shows which action hastaken place for each old record (delimited, deleted, skipped, and thereason why). It also shows which new records are created in infotypeSavings Schemes (0854). a. All records are copied. For future records, this process is onbalance the same as a change to the record. b.The field Employer Contribution as Special Payment> (FWGBB) isonly filled in if an employer contribution has been given. This is thecase if at least one of the following fields has been filled in: -Grouping for Employer Contribution to Life-Course Savings Scheme>(P0854- LLRGR) -Employer Contribution to Life-Course Savings Scheme>(P0854-BDRWG) ,,,, -Employer Contribution Percentage to Life-Course Savings Scheme>(P0854-PCTWG)Activities 1. Complete the fields on the selection screen 2. Execute the report 3. The report generates one Batch Input Session. The Session can berecognized by the name that you entered in the relevant field on theselection screen. 4. Check the output result. If all conversions have been executedproperly, you can have the system process this by running the BIS usingtransaction SM35. In the detailed overview "Transfer data in infotype(0854)", the following data are shown from the old and new situation: Old situation: - Blue: position in old situation, the employee's data are here as wellas the wage types to be converted. - Pink: processing method. This is the way in which the old records areprocessed. Processing method A Delimits the record, V Deletes the recordand if it is empty, neither delimiting nor deletion occurs. New situation: - Green: shows the position of the new situation: the validity intervalof the converted records, the savings amounts, the first payment period,the status of the BIS data (job icon for a created BIS or red cross forerror), and the counter of the number of records that are included inthe BIS. Statistics are displayed in the log. If you click on the button to thefar left in the individual overview (show application log), atstatistics, you can find information about summary data: total ofselected persons, total selected, processed, and rejected records. Thetotal number of converted and delimited records is stated in relation tothe BIS.