Purpose This report is used, within the framework of the introduction of theCitizen Service Number (CSN)> [burgerservicenummer, abbreviated inDutch to BSN], to update infotype Personal Data> (0002) with theSoFi Number> from infotype Fiscal Data NL> (0060) The SoFi number is copied from infotype Fiscal Data NL> (0060) tothe new CSN> field in infotype Personal Data >(0002). TheCSN is updated in the new infotype records (valid on or after 1 January2006 for monthly payroll or on or after 2 January 2006 forweekly/4-weekly payroll). A batch input session is created when you run the report that will makethe necessary changes in the infotypes.Prerequisites The selected persons must have at least one infotype Personal Data > (0002) record with an end date after 1 January 2006 (or 2 January2006 for weekly/4-weekly payroll). The report will attempt to processall infotype Personal Data> (0002) records also valid after 1January 2006 (or 2 January 2006 for weekly/4-weekly payroll) and, ifapplicable, will process more than one per person. Infotype records for which an entry already exists in fieldPersonnel ID number> (PERID), infotype Personal Data>(0002), are not processed.Selection Specify the BIS name, as well as the user name of the person creatingthe BIS (for example the system administrator). Output In the first instance, the report contains all correctly processedpersons. Both the old (red columns) and the new value are given. The application log specifies (in addition to correctly processedpersons) which persons have not been correctly processed for whichreasons. |