SAP Program RPIBRT01 - Group Value for Appraisal Evaluation

The report evaluates the data records of the Appraisal infotype(0025) for each selected employee and determines the group-specificfinancial value per point value. These values are stored and output bythe system in the Appraisal Groups table (T513G).
You can execute the appraisal for each user-defined time period. Thesystem suggests an evaluation for the current date.
Under Selection you enter which employees should be selected,using the Personnel number and Payroll area fields.
Under Additional data you can specify how the selected datarecords should be evaluated. The default value MC50 isautomatically entered in the wage type field. If you only want toevaluate individual performance appraisal groups, then enter them in theEvaluate ind. groups only field.
You can calculate the financial value as a percentage or an absolute.The system suggests an absolute calculation. The following indicatorsare set as default values:

  • Overwrite wage type?

  • Round to full amount?

  • Take account of part-time work?

  • The screen number 2000 appears in the Screen for basic pay
    field; this is valid for the Basic Pay infotype (0008) in thestandard system. Change this entry if you want to run a country-specific report.
    The system automatically enters the user name you used when you loggedon to the system into the batch input session name and batchinput user name fields when you call up the report.
    The Subtype Basic Pay field is relevant only if you want to startthe RPIBRT00 report from the output list of RPIBRT01. Thisentry is evaluated only in the RPIBRT00 report.
    For more information on Further selections,
    Matchcodes, and Multiple selection, see the ReportSelection Screen in the HR Management System documentation in the SAPLibrary.

    You can call up report RPIBRT00 (Evaluation ofAppraisals) from the output list of report RPIBRT01 by selectingStart RPIBRT00. You can use this report to evaluate theperformance appraisals, stored in the Appraisals infotype (0025),independently of a group membership.