Description The report evaluates the records of infotype 0025 Appraisals> andcreates a batch input session for basic pay. First all the records of infotype 0025, that are within the enteredperiod and whose "remuneration affect" indicator is set, are read. Finally an amount is determined using a certain calculation formula andthe total points stored in infotype 0025. A batch input session is created. WARNING:> If your collective agreement permits appraisals only in conjunction withan appraisal group, you should also run report RPIBRT01 >. The makes the corresponding group specific financial valueavailable and issues it. You can start report RPIBRT00> fromreport RPIBRT01>; to do this select Start RPIBRT00>. You can execute the appraisal for any user defined period. The SAP R/3System suggests an appraisal in other period>.
- How is a record evaluated?
The total number of points is read from the appraisal record. The systemthen determines the financial value for each point and stores the totalvalue for this wage type in the basic pay field. All basic pay records,whose validity period coincides with that of the appraisal record, areprocessed. Basic pay records are split if necessary. On the selection screen, you can use the Subtype Basic Pay>parameter to restrict the selection to a specific basic pay subtype sothat only relevant basic pay records are processed and updated asnecessary.
- When is the appraisal valid?
The validity period of the evaluation coincides with the validity periodof the appraisal records.
- How is the financial value of points determined?
The system reads the valid pay scale group and level from table T510Pay Scale Groups> and uses the corresponding financial value incalculations. The financial value per point is calculated according to one of thefollowing formulas: Variant A: The selected person does not belong to an appraisal group. (amount in T510) * (evaluation constant) Financial value/point = ----------------------------------------- 100 If, according to your collective agreement, the capacity utilizationlevel of part-time employees should be taken into account, flag thePart-time work evaluation> indicator. Variant B: The selected person belongs to an appraisal group. The financial valueis then calculated for each group and is the same for all group members.The value is stored in report RPIBRT01> in table AppraisalGroups> (T513G) and is also read from there. The evaluation constant is taken from table Appraisal Constants>(T510B). The financial value per point determination is archived in thesubroutine BERECHN-DM-PKT>. Actions regarding group membership:
- People without a group are calculated according to variant A. You can
display these people by choosing to execute report Display withoutgroup>.
- Persons with an invalid group are not selected.
- Persons with a valid group are calculated according to variant B.
If you wish to appraise an individual group enter the correspondingappraisal group in the Appraisal group> field; then only thepersonnel numbers in this group are valuated.
- Selection parameters:
- Wage type for appraisal
- Appraisal group
- Calculate financial value
absolute percent
- Overwrite wage type
- Round amount
- Weight part-time work
- Screen for basic pay
- Batch input session name
- Batch input user ID
- Put session on hold until
- Subtype Basic Pay