Purpose This report is used to run the batch input for initialization ofinfotype Fiscal Data NL> (0060). This report sets several fields of infotype Fiscal Data NL>(0060) to values which are valid as of January 1 of the followingyear. You can determine which fields have to be initialized. In addition, youcan enter the new payroll value in the field Annual Salary SR> orcalculate the value by using this report.Selection In addition to the normal PNP selection options, the following fieldsare available under Additional Data:
- The field Year > is the year for which the new records are
created. Specify the year following the current year (in four-digitformat)
- The option Initialize special tax rate >indicator enables you to
to initialize the statements (by setting 0) and set the Decision Fieldsto their default initial values.
- The option Conversion Disposal low Rate Foreigners >enables you to
update the conversion rule with the value of the different conversionrule. The value of the different conversion rule is only saved to fieldConversion Rule, if no conversion rule is applicable. This applies, ifthis field has the value '0'. If this field has a different value than'0', no update takes place.
- The indicator Initialize different special rate> enables you to
initialize the authorization from tax inspector [machtiging inspecteur].If you select this parameter, the system will delete the authorizationfrom the tax inspector (different special wage tax rate). Possible values are: [x] : Delete start date for authorization from tax inspector and setthe percentage to 0. [ ] : (blank) do NOT change the authorization from tax inspectorstatus
- Indicator Initialize Annual Salary SR:> this option can be used to
reset the Annual Salary for Special Payments [Jaarloon BB]. If youselect this parameter, the system will reset the annual salary SP to 0. Possible values are: 'X': Set annual salary SP to 0 ' ': (Blank) Do NOT change annual salary SP
- Indicator Calculate Annual Salary SR >enables you to calculate the
annual salary for Special Payments [BB] If you select this parameter, the system will calculate a new value forthe annual salary SP. This value is determined by reading the wage typeCumulative Wage for Tax >(/410) from the results table (RT) forthe last payroll cluster RN and converting it into an annual amount. Possible values are: 'X': Calculate new value ' ': (Blank) Do NOT calculate new value
- Indicator Create Batch Input Session >enables you to create a
batch input session. Possible values are: 'X': Create batch input session ' ': (Blank) Do NOT create batch input session
- The field Batch input session name >contains the session name. The
name of a batch input session is not unique and therefore severalsessions may have the same name. As a session selection criterium, youcan specify a generic selection (*) or a specific name.
- User ID:> this is the user who is registered as authorized user
for the batch input session. By using transaction SM35, this field willbe shown under authorizations.Output In the log, the old records and the new records will be displayed andthe changes. Activities This report is used to create a batch input session. By carrying out theBIM, the initialization will be executed. A new batch input session canbe created and run any time in order to create new records of infotypeFiscal Data NL >(0060). Infotype records with a start date as of January, 1 of the followingyear are not initialized. A person's processing status can be requested in the Application Log > ( + <(><<)>F2>). In principle, only "errors" (displayedby means of a red icon) are relevant for any further action. It is no longer necessary to define the Decision to Apply Low TaxRate for Foreigners> separately. The field Conversion Rule> canbe used for this. With parameter Conversion of the Decision to ApplyLow Tax Rate for Foreigners >(SP_AKH), the existing decisions can beconverted to the field Conversion Rule>. Errors might occur when processing the batch input map in case fieldsare hidden in the infotype. In that case, we recommend you to deactivatethe relevant report parameters and/or to make the fields visible(whether of not temporarily) .