Purpose This report is to help on providing correct absence data fortransactions like payroll, time evaluation and other statistics reports. It is a tool to help on: if absences (sickness 'S' and duty leave 'T') are not entered accordingto the legal requirement of how many days should be calculated asabsence. For example: An employee normally works from Monday to Friday. He hasduty leave from Monday, week 1 to Friday, week 2 (= 12 calendar days).However, this is entered in the system as absence Monday to Friday week1 and Monday to Friday week 2 (5+5=10 days). Running the report willlead to a detection and correction of this case (bridging of weekends). This report carries out following activities:
- Check the absences in the user specified periods;
- Bridge the intermediate non-working days between absences by extending
the end date of first absence record;
- Remove the beginning non-working day(s) of a sick leave (economical
category S) except when this sick leave is following another sick leavewithin 5 days;
- Raise following cases for manual check:
A duty leave (economical category T) or a series of consecutive dutyleaves with only intermediate non-working days in between contain(s)more than 5 working days in total and the duty leave ends at Friday; A month ends at non-working day(s) and the whole month except the endingnon-woring day(s) is reported as absence; Two absences are consecutive and have only non-working days in betweenbut they are of different absence type or absence economical categoriesor different work capacitiesSelection In the selection screen, you enter the period(s) you want to deal with.The period is the same as payroll period. You can enter one period or aninterval. You can also enter the desired employee number or a desired groupingsuch as payroll area and etc. for processing. If you want to add more selection criteria, choose "Further Selections"and add more desired grouping. Output There are two result lists: One is system modified absences, batch job that modifies the infotype2001 is created from this list. The other is manual check cases list.These two lists are displayed in ALV Grid Control. You can choose button "Extended Absences" or "Manual Check Cases" toswitch between two result lists. Button "Bridge/Extend" and "Generate Batch" are inactive (not available)when the result is first time displayed. Then afterwards if the batch job is not created yet, when displayingmanual check cases, button "Bridge/Extend" is available. If you feelsure for certain manual check cases, which means that you find out thedays for checking can be bridged or extended as absence, you then choosesuch rows and click button "Bridge/Extend", the selected rows will beremoved from manual check cases list, the absence modified and be putinto modified absences list. Button "Generate Batch" is available when displaying modified absencelist. You click this button and the batch job will be created from themodified absence records. After the batch job is created, both button "Bridge/Extend" and GenerateBatch" will be inactive. This is to avoid multiple batch jobs arecreated from one report execution. The batch job name is: ABSENCE_PR. Activities To ensure that payroll and time evaluation can get correct absence data,we strongly suggest you follow the below steps monthly: Run this absence correction report Run the batch input job generated by the report Manually check all the manual check cases Run time evaluation up to present to re-process employees with newinfotype 2001 Run payroll