Purpose This report is used to update the amounts for several entries with aparticular combination of Pay Scale Type and Pay Scale Level in tableview Pay Scale Groups> (V_T510). The several entries can havedifferent Pay Scale Groups and Pay Scale Areas.Prerequisites You have maintained the table view Maintain yearly changes in T510 > (V_T5VPPS_510) in the IMG under Payroll Norway> -> PublicSector> -> Reports> -> Utility Reports> ->Maintain Entries for Updation of Table T510 > with the:
- Combination of Pay Scale Type and Pay Scale Level for which you want to
update the amounts
- Begin Date> and End Date> for the new amounts
- New amount with which the several records of table view Pay Scale
Groups> (V_T510) have to be updatedActivities Enter the Begin Date>. This Begin Date> should be the sameas the one that you have maintained for a combination of Pay Scale Typeand Pay Scale Level in table view Maintain yearly changes in T510>(V_T5VPPS_510). The report will consider only those records in table view Maintainyearly changes in T510> (V_T5VPPS_510) for which the Begin Date>is exactly what you enter on the selection screen of the report. If you want to run the report in a simulation mode, select the TestRun> indicator. If you do not select the Test Run> indicator, the system: Reads the entry in table view Maintain yearly changes in T510>(V_T5VPPS_510) for which the Begin Date> is the same as that youhave entered on the selection screen of the report Updates the records of table view Pay Scale Groups> (V_T510) withthe particular combination of Pay Scale Type and Pay Scale Level withthe following changes: - Delimits the existing records by changing the End Date> - Add a new record with the Begin Date> as the date on which thenew amount should be effective Prompts you to save the changes to this table view in a CustomizingCorrection Request