Purpose This program is developped to adjust month by month the pay scale levelinto the infotype 0008 on basis of the evolution of the pay seniority. Features Selection The selection screen is subdivised into 3 area : "Period", "Selection"and "Options". Area "Period" : >This area is the standard area generated whenyou use the logical database PNP. By default, the radio-button 'Other period' is flagged. The proposedperiod for selection start the first day af the current month andfinish the first day of the next month. All other selection of period must be used. A check is done to prevent the input of a end-date to far in thefuture. A day further than 366 day from current date isn't allowed. Area "Selection" :> This area is the standard area generated whenyou use the logical databse PNP. All the standard selection possibilities are available. A check is done to force to fill the field 'Personnel number'. Area "Options" :> This area is a specific area. We discern threesub-areas :'Type of execution", "Type of log" and "Batch-input" "Type of execution" >(three radiobuttons ; right-top) allow tochoice between 'Simulation' (execution of the report but no change aresaved into infotypes 0008), 'Call Transaction' (execution of the reportwith directly updating of the modification into infotypes 0008) or'Batch-input' (generation of a batch-input including the modificationsof infotypes 0008. The updating of infotype 0008 will be done when thebatch-input will be later executed ). "Type of log" >(one checkboxe ; left-top) allow to select a fulllog in place of a light log (cfr description of the output list). "Batch-input data" >(two fields and one checkboxe : bottom) allowthe input data needfull for the generation of the batch-input. Thesedata are the name of the batch-input (by default the name of thereport), a flag to specify if the batch-input must be hold after hisexecution and until which date. These data are only accessible if the type 'Batch-input' is selected. The field 'name of the batch-input' is mandatory.Output Two levels of detail are available. If you ask the full tracing, youwill receive notifications not only for employees who has modificationsof the payscale level, but for all selected employees. So you have atleast one line by employee. The supplementary notifications concern : Employee inactive during the selection period Employee without ifty 0008 during the selection period Employee without change of ifty 0008 during the selectionperiod Header of the list :> Besides the titles of the report and ofthe list, the header contains somes informations about the selectionoptions : selected period : start and end dates type of execution : simulation, call transaction or batch-input type of log : partial or full Body of the list : >The body split vertically into 2 part. The left part ('tree')> contains the employees numbers and icondescribing the result of the processing. Each node (with an arrow) canbe explode to present more details. Five icons are possible : icon_reject : the employee is rejected from the process : thereason of the reject is display in the right part. icon-light-out : no change occurs on the infotype 0008 : if you openthe node, the unchanged infotypes 0008 are displayed. icon-green-light : some changes occur on the infotype 0008 and all isright : if you open the node, the old and the new infotypes 0008 aredisplayed. The database is updated if requested. icon-yellow-light : some changes occur on the infotype 0008 but awarning message exist : if you open the node, the old and the newinfotypes are displayed with the associated warning message(s). Thedatabase is updated if requested. icon-red-light : some changes occur on the infotype 0008 but anerror message exist : if you open the node, the old and the newinfotypes are displayed with the assoicated error message(s). Thedatabase is NOT updated. The right part ('data')> contains the datas related to old andnew infotypes as well as the messages. The displayed datas are : Start date(begda): start validity date of the infotype 0008 End date(endda) : end validity date of the infotype 0008 Payscale(trfgr) : payscale group of the infotype 0008 Seniority(trfst) : payscale level of the infotype 0008, correspondingat the pay-seniority level Msg : Message type (R=reject; E=error; W=warning) Message_texte : Texte of the message |