Description In this report, the object-dependent short texts, which were originallystored in table T512U and T513U, are stored in object-specific texttables. The system checks whether each object without a short text in theobject-specific text table has an entry in line number 001. Thecontents of this line is then used as the short text for thecorresponding object. Otherwise, the object name is used as the shorttext. The following objects or object types (RPDSYS00) are converted:
- Schemas ('SCHE')
- Personnel calculation rules ('CYCL')
- Features ('549B')
- Functions ('FUNC', 'FUNT')
- Operations ('OPEC', 'OPET')
In doing this, data is transferred to the following tables:
- Schemas (T52CD_T, T52CC_T)
- Personnel calculation rules (T52CE_T)
- Features (T549BT, T549CT)
- Functions (T52A0_T)
- Operations (T52A0_T)