BEGIN OF UPDATEDescription Report RPDLGA00 lists the wage types defined in tables T511 or T512T.Permitted infotypes and the definitions in table T512W can also bedisplayed for each wage type. The basic list contains some of the features from table T511 if thewage type is defined in T511. The text from T512T is also shown. Inthe interactive mode, you can also display additional information on aparticular wage type using the appropriate function key. DISPLAYING PERMITTED INFOTYPES Select a wage type with F9 and display the permitted infotypes. You canchange the entry if you have activated the 'Call table' function. WAGE TYPES FROM T511 OR T512T? You can define whether wage types for the basic list should be takenfrom T511 or T512T. The report reads only those entries of T512T whichcorrespond to the logon language. If the required wage types are inboth T511 and T512T, use T511 because access is faster. DATA DELIMITATION You can preselect data by entering the country grouping. Lists or valueranges can also be specified. Report data can also be delimited byentering search terms for wage types or wage type texts. INCL, EXCL,MASK, SCAN functions can also be used for selection criteria. INTERACTIVE OR AUTOMATIC MODE ? If you select the automatic mode by marking the 'Mode of operation'checkbox, you cannot use the function keys. Specific information isautomatically included in the basic list. Use this mode of operation tocreate printouts. Note The list can be sorted by the wage type code or text. The wage type modifier is always used as the first sort criterion. BEGIN OF UPDATE Search string for wage type Definition In these fields, enter the wage type range. Dependencies None Use Examples: M101 INCL - only wage type M101 M* MASK - all sample wage types 0 SCAN - all wage types containing an 0 M* EXMA - all wage types except sample wage types Wage type modifier Definition This parameter allows you to choose only wage types with a specificmodifier. This modifier is defined for each company code/personnelarea/subarea combination in table T001P. RPDLGA20 lists all wage typemodifiers. Dependencies Two digits e.g. enter '1' as '01'. Use Examples: 01 INCL - all wage types for modifier 01 (01.03) INCL - all wage types for modifiers 01 - 03 01,(04,07) INCL - all wage types for modifier 01 and 04 - 07 05.09 EXCL - all wage types not in modifier 05 or 09. |